Decent remaster. Decent game mechanics.

Interesting game, with decent story and nice game mechanics.

Basically, just as good as the original (which was awesome!),
with upgraded game mechanics and.
Amazing gaming experience!

Amazing! Just amazing!
As a HP fan, I believe this isn the Hogwarts game the fans needed.
A bit repetitive fightinhg mechanics.

Good game!
Decent game mechanics, nice game art and story.

Nice game with nice story!
I like the game mechanics, remind me of the first installment.
The graphics are cute.

Nice game, nice story!
Decent franchise entry.

Cute game!
Decent story, decent franchise entry.

Nice game!
Good game mechanics, cute story.

Cool Wii game!
Good story, nice franchise entry.

Good installment, with good story and decent game mechanics.

Nice game, with nice story!

Really good gameplay, with nice story!
Worthy franchise entry.

Nice game!
Decent installment in the franchise, with cool story.