The speedrun history of this is the best thing on youtube

Remake it and make his hair even bigger

Thought it was a bit weird how they put feathers mcgraw in a blender at the end and turned him into a milkshake

Why is the character who's named after a road vehicle used for transporting goods or people completely incapable of driving the plot along?


It's such a "we're not old enough to drink yet" game

As a child who didn't like puzzles or having nightmares, it just didn't sit right

Loaned this to my cousin and she never gave it back

Fuck you jenny I'm glad i haven't seen you in 20 years

If you go on youtube you can actually just listen to the songs without having to do anything

God imagine if telltale made a lost game I would eat that shit up

Holy shit this was like crack

It's like being handed an empty dinner plate

Used to force my mam to play so I could be tails and just float through each level

The evil ending is absolutely hilarious