Rusty cage is one of the best songs ever made I won't hear otherwise

Why is julius the most terrifying enemy in this series?

No Billie Jean = No money for rockstar

Was really looking forward to Peter diving into the ocean and getting eaten by a shark

This may be the cringiest game I've ever played

A money, fun, and sanity vacuum

Love betting on the horses tho

Ridiculous story / Underrated combat

I put my uncle in this and it fuckin got it

Child me played 15 minutes of this and broke down in tears

I personally think you should get more injured when jumping through windows

Mickey Re Minding us who pays the bills

Got a review copy of this before it came out and it crashed every 10-20 seconds of gameplay. The final product was not much better

I killed so much time waiting for buses thanks to this

Why on earth is there a keyblade in this?

I heard the next game lets you beat up mother theresa