Fun, silly, over the top, fast paced action game.

Enjoyed it more than I expected to. Wonderful graphics really brought this world to life. Drags on for too long really, but still kept me engaged throughout.

Not much of a difference from the original. While the combat gameplay is way more janky than I remembered it as, the game still oozes atmosphere, style and great storytelling.

B-movie action Alan Wake. Fun and cheesy, but unfortunately gets repetetive quick, even with its short length.

Not really a game. Seemingly tries to be some kind of zen activity, but ends up being more annoying than zen. Why do people accumulate so many things?

Sci-fi space horror which gets the atmosphere right (most of the time). However the combat isn’t very good, and has a couple of frustrating difficulty spikes. Overall still found it quite enjoyable.

More of the same from the base game.

Expands the universe, but loses some of the atmosphere of the first game. Church level is great though, and the kindergarten is just creepy. Last boss is pretty bad.

Great atmosphere and story, although some frustrating moments and gameplay mechanics.

Great Pixar-style graphics, fun combat and beautiful environments. Some bosses have surprisingly huge difficulty spikes compared to the rest of the game.

Decent detective visual novel, but unfortunately ends on a cliffhanger unlikely to ever be resolved.

Warm-hearted nostalgic story, just don’t expect much gameplay.

Quality presentation, but not my cup of tea.

Fun horror b-movie inspired cinematic game, in the vein of Until Dawn

Charming and fun tribute to Playstation’s past and present.