looking forward to girlboss even more


the game is a fuccing masterpiece banger but dont be like me, do not choose camarilla ending

why... does it feels like home?

it's really hard to say anything special about this simple as it is idle game. the best part of this experience is the books we have to unlock to proceed through the game. that's it.

THE zombie game, pity it still feels raw
edit: i discovered the game again, now with mods. just gotta take a peek at multiplayer now

this game made me realize i have bulimia

fishing sims are not exactly my thing, but this one was pretty decent
the atmosphere and the overall vibes felt great but i really did not expected fishing to be so tedious and methodic (despite being literally born in a village near the river lol).
but i liked it, the only problems i had were the technical issues that caused the videos not to play for some reason. dont wanna spoil the ending, but it was a nice touch too.
nice little game

the game made no sense, but it was kinda spooky

cute lil platformer. but more of a concept than an actual game

What a bombastic beat'em'up game. Just waow. The only apparent downsides that i can tell are difficulty spikes on some levels and lack of combos.
Fun game with rocking soundtrack.

a short lighthearted story with meta elements about the power of "that thing that always wins", in this case, putting an end to girl's desire to blow up the Earth