it was a neat experience, yet i cant help but feel like the topic of dementia is being slowly bastardized by things like this

In my opinion, more games should have a button to say "fuck"

Susan Ashworth is literally me... I said to myself as i started playing through the game. But as the narrative kept going i kept thinking. About my life, my mental health problems, my future, my past. Is it actually true? What kind of person is Susan really? What kind of person am i? This game sure made me ponder about... well, a lot of things.

Now, having just finished The Cat Lady just a few hours ago, all i can say is that i wish i was as strong as Susan. But i think we can all find that strength within ourselves, according to my interpretation of the game's message.

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Technically a pretty neat creation with a charming feeling to it (for the first few minutes at least), but, eh, nothing more than that. The blatant use of the most basic "liminal spaces" and "the backrooms" in particular just makes me sigh in disappointment.

The obvious references to The House Of Leaves did not help at all, destroying what little immersion and hope I had for this mod. The Navidson Realty reference in particular made me laugh hysterically at it's blatant placement.



Despite all my hardships in this game. Despite all the unfair fights, janky game design, frustrating glitches and low FPS. After all this time after playing Prey, after thinking about it, of what it could've been, what it was and what it is.

I think Prey is The Game. The "Back in the day" kind of game. Not the best nor absolutely good or bad. And i think that you should totally try it out just for the sake of. Especially if you feel tender or just interested about old mid 2000s First Person Shooters because this one is definitely above the average compared to all the other FPS games of that time.
I don't know. I just really like it. I guess.

i just wish that the failure of this game won't take a big toll on the devs. they are so much talented and it would suck so bad if this game ruined everything.

a legendary game and shitty pc port

fishing sims are not exactly my thing, but this one was pretty decent
the atmosphere and the overall vibes felt great but i really did not expected fishing to be so tedious and methodic (despite being literally born in a village near the river lol).
but i liked it, the only problems i had were the technical issues that caused the videos not to play for some reason. dont wanna spoil the ending, but it was a nice touch too.
nice little game

the game is a fuccing masterpiece banger but dont be like me, do not choose camarilla ending

looking forward to girlboss even more

sigh... i wish for every person involved in fnaf community to try to be a reasonable and understanding person

fun, little game. Scavenger SV-4 is an arcade space sim with roguelike elements. on the ship you mess with the rover, maintain your health and ship's parts. the other part is the rover piloting.
the gameplay loop is: maintain - collect stuff with rover - research. repeat.
some of the features in the Scavenger ended up being underused in my playthrough. like, i didnt really upgrade my rover besides removing the mic and replacing it with a railgun. my life support systems were fine my entire run. but maybe that's just a me problem.
anyways, i expected something more, but still enjoyed it. don't think i'm going to come back to play more, but it was fun. really liked the way camera feed looks.

it's really hard to say anything special about this simple as it is idle game. the best part of this experience is the books we have to unlock to proceed through the game. that's it.