Wasn't that bad. But still it was a pretty rough experience: moments of black screen after every interaction with environment, lack of hints, lack of logic in what you have to do to get the good ending. Despite that the game has a neat artstyle, cute CGs and a pretty short story.


Despite all my hardships in this game. Despite all the unfair fights, janky game design, frustrating glitches and low FPS. After all this time after playing Prey, after thinking about it, of what it could've been, what it was and what it is.

I think Prey is The Game. The "Back in the day" kind of game. Not the best nor absolutely good or bad. And i think that you should totally try it out just for the sake of. Especially if you feel tender or just interested about old mid 2000s First Person Shooters because this one is definitely above the average compared to all the other FPS games of that time.
I don't know. I just really like it. I guess.

It's not that bad..? I really hate how much the P2W store is integrated into this game, i really do. But it also seems that there's such a variety in character builds, but again some races/classes/archetypes are locked behind the paywall and to get them while remaining a F2P player you have to grind a lot. And then there's also a limit on how much money you can hold on the character. And also some fun dungeons. And a lot of box breaking.

Wish it relied less on the premium store.

Silly, melancholic, absurd and optimistically nihilistic. Great music, a lot of stuff to do, albeit sometimes rather tedious, and fun interactions. It was a great little experience.

Peak vibes and design.\\ An unfortunate example of the fact that you need to do something more than just slow down the enemies a bit to turn Hotline Miami into a decent arena shooter.

One of the finest examples of early days of russian game dev and that should be telling to you

Moral of the story: It's better to have a dead mother, than an abusive mother

played for Strade lore after wrapping up with TPOF.
also played a little bit of Rire route.

I'm afraid it all started back then, a long time ago when i first watched the Saw (2004) on my family's old laptop

Fixed my rating from 2/5 to 4.5/5.

Peak game

I have not played the game but i've seen a pentalogy of videogame reviews made in 2011. I feel like at least someone on this website must write at least SOMETHING about this abhorrent creation.

To start, your max HP is 60, you can make it bigger that 60 but only temporarily. Awful game design with a good couple of DOZEN horrible long, spacious and artificially difficult levels. Broken AI that either gets stuck on a random place or scan hits you. The strongest weapon in Wolfschanze is a SAUSAGE and a leg kick. Some levels have terribly implemented vehicles that spin around its axis instead of turning left or right. Some levels are convoy missions with stupid NPCs you have to keep alive. Enemies respawn right behind your back and it's a FEATURE. Enemies have random HP and can take either a couple of shots in their body or a whole mag in the face. The game is riddled with game breaking bugs and glitches. And it ends with you exploding an airship with you and Hitler in it.

This game just feels intentionally bad. It's UNREAL.


This game is okay? I guess?

You make you character, move through the rooms with enemies/loot/events.
The most important feature here is that the loot (armor, accessories, skills, skill runes) can and must be rerolled with the use of soulstones. So, it's basically a sort of a gacha game with even more gambling elements in it.
You enter a room, sweep the enemies and reroll the loot until you get a 3 or 4 or 5 star item/skill and hope that you can make some kind of a consistently working build with the given things. But rare skills have less usages, so you gotta have at least one weak skill for the frequent use, unless you fill all of your skill slots with one-shotting stuff and lucky runes and gear.
Can't say anything much about this one. Well, guess the art style does a pretty neat job in copying the Darkest Dungeon and, sometimes, Fear & Hunger vibes.