I can't find a way to turn on English translation and the game can't fit in my 16:9 screen, so i can't really see my HUD and text near the borders of the screen. Dev hasn't answered to my post on Steam forums yet, so who knows. Seems pretty interesting tho

Pretty good. Fills that bullet-hell itch EtGleft, but i like Tiny Rogues more because of it's streamlined progression and less icky vibes (8 bit forever)

i see why this game is enjoyed by many, but my friend that likes warhammer cant help but destroy my ass in this one

i just wish that the failure of this game won't take a big toll on the devs. they are so much talented and it would suck so bad if this game ruined everything.

fun, little game. Scavenger SV-4 is an arcade space sim with roguelike elements. on the ship you mess with the rover, maintain your health and ship's parts. the other part is the rover piloting.
the gameplay loop is: maintain - collect stuff with rover - research. repeat.
some of the features in the Scavenger ended up being underused in my playthrough. like, i didnt really upgrade my rover besides removing the mic and replacing it with a railgun. my life support systems were fine my entire run. but maybe that's just a me problem.
anyways, i expected something more, but still enjoyed it. don't think i'm going to come back to play more, but it was fun. really liked the way camera feed looks.

It was a okay. everything feels pretty underdeveloped and underwhelming, but i liked what they were going for. i liked the art. the bosses were terrible though, with Umadermadine being the worst one. like, you can't just have a boss who's attack is a 30 seconds long stream of projectiles and expect it to be anything fun. so, yeah. Also, i feel like every Scumhead game i played yet (Lycanthorne I and II, Shrine) has this recurring theme of annoyingly hard and not fun late game bosses. just a thought

it was a neat experience, yet i cant help but feel like the topic of dementia is being slowly bastardized by things like this

Played the demo. It was pretty okay, but the gameplay and sprites seems kind of lacking. Cats themselves and some places are fine, but other places feel really empty and uncanny.

The ending sequence has you choose between two options, yet it's presented really confusing, so i just ended up getting the bad ending. Don't think im gonna spend another hour replaying the game from the start

Played the demo. Didn't really vibe with the story and the choices seem to be not really branching the story.

You ever feel like your body is not yours. Feel like it has reflexes and body memory of a completely different person yet you can't lay a finger on the exact reason of that feeling? Yeah..

Even less of a traditional game than Tamashii and more of a audiovisual puzzle akin to an extrasensory/logic abilities test

sigh... i wish for every person involved in fnaf community to try to be a reasonable and understanding person