i'm struggling to rate this one, because i loved it. this game is so unique, and uncovering the mysteries within was so deeply satisfying as the story went on. i am a zoomer, but i still get so nostalgic for the early internet because i got a tiny glimpse of it as a kid. while i was heavily supervised and couldn't do much, i had a facebook and a myspace page that i decorated and used to talk to my cousin. forum boards were before my time, but when i got older i browsed tumblrs and google plus accounts and livejournals and so on and so forth dedicated to my nichest interests and while geocities was something very different, hypnospace outlaw brought me right back to that.

all the side stories with the teens, the fucking censorship cartoon, mind's eye stuff... ALL of it was so interesting and fun to watch change. everytime the os updated i was excited to see what had developed and changed since i last saw everyone, and i rehashed out hidden pages after hidden pages because i knew it would be fun to follow up with.

despite all this, the third act/final chapter really dragged for me. i had already caught onto the twist coming and i didn't like being forced to backtrack through pages for secrets i had... already found... when i was already so thorough during my normal playthrough. i get the point of it within the narrative, but after such an interesting and strong start and middle, this game really failed to stick the landing. even once i'd beaten it and saw the credits, i couldn't help but feel a "that's it?" after feeling so immersed for the hours i put into it. it's a really big shame, because i think it ruined the game a lot for me even though i still feel overall positive about it.

an easy recommend, and i am so excited to keep an eye out on the dev team behind this game to see what they'll release in the future. really glad to have finally ticked this one off the "to play" list! i've always heard nothing but praises for it and i'm glad i can understand why.

i remember being really uplifted by this when i played it in... highschool, i think? the humor dates it a bit, but its very sweet.

i said i wouldn't rank these til the first half ended... but the archon quest was literally PEAK. fontaine's story has been ehhh for me. i liked neuvillette but the previous acts felt so long. furina's story is genuinely so interesting and really saved her character for me. i thought she was annoying and honestly didn't really like her visual design (it has grown on me but it's still not great. her all blue outfit is better!!) but i completed the quest and immediately i really like her. getting into some spoiler territory now: the story of focalors & furina was truly the best way they could have handled it. when 4.2 leaks revealed furina wasn't going to be the true archon, i was excited to meet focalors but also because i knew neuv would most likely be annointed as some form of new archon/true god. to see that be subverted but still meet those expectations was really awesome. genshin has so many issues, especially in its stories, but the ideas they utilize in their archon quests has never been one. say what you will about their storytelling in its pacing and length and the excessive amounts of exposition dumping, the stories at their core are so interesting. really excited to see where the rest of fontaine will take us.

that being said: i'll probs re-do a new rating/review as time passes and i expose myself to the new story quests, exploration, etc. from 4.2

i like playing tetrio with friends but my god the entire playerbase outside of private matches with friends is omega sweaty tryhards that feels the same as joining a game of hypixel bedwars and some child with a cps speed of 16 who can speedbridge takes you out in the first 30 seconds.

This review contains spoilers

i was starting to write a review but i dont think i can summarize my thoughts in any way that is concise or all-encompassing of what i truly feel about this game. yes, it has issues with it's storytelling & how it treats some of its characters, but i truly think the story will resonate especially if you are within the age range of these characters and feel like the world is against you.

for every issue with the game that i might have, i have like 10 positives to counterbalance it. while i dislike the jokes they make about ann after her arc with kamoshida, i subsequently think their handling of that same idea in her confidant incredibly powerful and sweet and wholly great. the combat feels fluid and fun, even 110 hours into it when i was facing another multi-phase boss, with the same team i'd been running since the characters were all available. i love the characters in this game, and i love all of their confidants (except maybe hifumi. sorry. youre just boring).

if you have never played a game by atlas, i definitely recommend it. i dont consider myself a big rpg fan as much as i might wish i was. i dont like grinding in video games, and even pokemon is a game that is too much for me to stomach but persona was different. mementos, their grinding area, was still fun and felt fresh just because of the fact that the requests exist. they give me a break between killing shadows mindlessly, and made me feel like i had a reason to grind that didnt actually feel like grinding, because i was still unlocking and completing fun sidequests. and even when that is so tedious, you are able to minimize grinding even FURTHER by just befriending your in game bestie who is actually funny, and who has a fun storyline to boot. its great!!

i love the character designs for the bosses, the phantom thieves, and even just the random secondary characters you can follow the plots of while they stand around in like, kichijoji.

im overall so glad to have played this game. there is a lot of cut content i think that would have enhanced my experience with it, but i am still happy with what i received. i am excited to play it again, and it has honestly invaded my thoughts since i first started playing it. i am excited to play more of the persona series, and i look forward to the spinoffs in my library and that are to be released. i hope they can capture the magic that personal 5 royal had for me again.

my biggest downfall is being a fan of this game

but fr, i have so much to say about this game. i dont care about the lore, which means i only have 3 things to mention.

first, the combat system in this game is so much fucking fun to dive headfirst into, even if its obvious from the get-go that powercreep is gonna be a real bitch in a few years. the complexity of genshin's combat is ridiculous, especially with its origins as a cheap BOTW knock-off. im not smart enough to write something engaging about it, but team building and theorycrafting teams is so much fun.

second, the gacha system. god this company fucking sucks massive balls. mihoyo or hoyoverse or whatever they want to go by is so insanely stingy it makes me wanna die. ive been a gacha gamer for a long time but never encountered such shitty pulling systems or lack of rewards for such dedicated fan bases.

third, characters. lot to unpack here, but if it wasn't for hoyoverse's deep seated racism due to being a chinese audience pandering company, their character design could have been top notch. the archons are a great example of this, with many of their characters being so memorable the moment you meet them even if you are someone like me who could not care less about their storylines. wish mhy didnt suck ass though.

overall, pretty fun. shitty resin system though i hope whoever designed it trips and spills their drink onto themselves

unorganized thought dump ahead, so don't expect anything nearly as thought out as my usual reviews... also, no spoiler tag, but i will go over tiny hints of spoilers (the furthest being who the antagonists/protagonists of the chapter are)

i'm not sure what it was about this chapter, but the humor didn't really land for me. well, okay, let me rephrase that. i enjoyed it a lot, but less so than chapter 1. i'm not sure if i've just generally outgrown toby fox's style, but a lot of the quirkiness didn't stand out for me as my personal highlights the way it seems to have hit for the general internet. for me, this is most obvious with spamton. i like his lore significance, but didn't care for him THAT much as a character besides how much his dialogue style gave me a headache to read through lol. his miniboss fight was VERY cool, but much like jevil in chapter 1, i would never have found this on my own. i think i'm just an idiot? BUT WHATEVER!! it was super fun, and truthfully every character fight in this game reinforces just how creative and brilliant toby fox is as a game designer. each bullet pattern was unique and incredibly fun. i beat the fight on my first try, but knowing how scrappy i got by, i just want to fight it over and over again to really master it. a lot like how i always felt fighting sans!

generally, i liked chapter 2. the dark world here was super fun, although the puzzles felt really random and a lot more boring than every puzzle in chapter 1 and undertale combined. i did like the word, spelling, maze-y puzzle though. wish they had used it more than the mice. queen was awesome, and i liked seeing lancer and all the darkners from chapter 1 again. rouxls card supremacy, as ALWAYS. loved his character and i can't wait for him to continue to shine. berdly and noelle were great additions to this chapter. noelle is cute, and i like her a lot but oh man i just love irritating characters because I FUCKING ADORE BERDLY!!!!!!!!! anyways. that's all i have to say there. also, queen is cool.... i can't say much without wanting to gush, especially in reference to her AMAZING BOSS FIGHT that i do not want to ruin for anyone else whatsoever.

what else can i talk about? oh yeah. the music is pretty good here too, but that's to be expected with anything toby fox touches. my personal standouts are going to be hip shop and, you guessed it, "BIG SHOT." Love the use of leitmotifs from previous undertale songs (especially mettaton neo, who, for obvious reasons, spamton reminded me a lot of while playing).

final thoughts: the alternate route that can be played in this chapter is super sick. love it. had no idea it existed when doing my blind playthrough, so opening up the wiki to see what easter eggs i might have missed only to see a WHOLE OTHER ROUTE was awesome. again don't want to say much without spoilers especially since the game is so fresh in my mind and i think i might come back with more fleshed out opinions eventually.

im excited for the rest of deltarune to release, especially since the next release will come with 3 chapters rather than toby drip feeding the fanbase one chapter at a time. with this though, i am equally excited for things to change massively. i like the dark world a lot, but after 2 whole chapters it stills feels infinitely small, and i look forward to a deviation that can spark some new life into the formula otherwise i think it will very quickly become tiring.

konami you greedy bitch. at least kaiba is hot

i am dedicated to finishing this game, and have already completed 1/6 over-arching stories, but let it be known that this game is Not Good and I don't recommend it. The first part of this will be a short, non-spoilery review of the game at its purest form but i'll go more in depth about it's flaws after a warning.

to begin, this game outright lies to you from its marketing. on the steam page and in interviews before the game begins, you are told that every road trip is different with thousands of possible combinations and choices that actually affect the storyline but really... they don't? technically, yes, every run is different, but the stories and situations you find yourself in feel repetitive and predictable. there are 7 (technically 8, but two of them only show up together and have the same personality so I count it as one) characters with their own storyline, and the game instead chops up their personality and storylines into bits that they mix and match around, which leads to the "diverging paths". in reality, your encounters with them don't really matter. there are no real choices, and more often than not you are forced into helping them even when there could have been some interesting writing decisions from disobeying or directly going against their cause. i can't go more in-depth on this without spoilers, so instead i'll move on. the actual over-arching story of the city of Petris and the election at hand feels like an american who discovered politics through the 2016 elections and found out what black lives matter was in 2020, and wrote their surface-level understanding of politics based on that. i do consider myself someone who is more liberal, which is why i want to emphasize with the audience reading this that my gripes with the storytelling in this game are not because of the left-leaning rhetoric in this story. it is because of how blatant the writing is that after playing a single run, i was able to predict every story beat ahead of me. even now, 5 runs in, nothing has convinced me that i was wrong. the game treats the player like someone who is incapable of reading into any nuance or piecing things, and takes no time for suspense or world-building. despite there being multiple forces at play, (republicans, liberals, and revolutionaries) you are never allowed to actually take a side and have it matter. everytime you complete an ending, you are guided to the ending that the game has already decided on. meeting different characters and saying different things does not matter. nothing you do actually matters. and thats where my biggest gripe with this game comes from. it is deeply unsatisfying to play. if you take the choice out of a choice-based game, then at least give me an interesting narrative to follow and care about. road 96 cannot and does not do that. i heard a lot of comparisons between this game and telltale's style of faux-choice-driven stories but personally, i think a big difference is that at least in my experience, telltale games still offer an interesting story. despite the fact that none of the choices i made in the walking dead mattered, i still cared deeply about lee and clementine and their situation, and when the story continued to escalate, i felt enough to cry at the end of the game. instead i played this game for a little under 5 hours and still couldn't bring myself to really care about the white girl who decided to rebel against her republican father or the cop who is potentially a good guy but is forced to do their job for the republican government. there is a chance that you can still care about the characters in this game despite this, but my god don't pay full price for this game. watch a lets play, and if its on a significant sale, buy it then but otherwise, just skip out.


now that i can really get into the nitty gritty, i want to really spell out where the game really falls flat. as said before, you follow 7 characters: Zoe, a teenage runaway whose father is revealed to be the republican totalitarian dictator, Tyrak. John, a trucker who is secretly working for the revolutionary group named the Black Brigades and subsequently lost a lover to the cause. Fanny, a police officer working for the government to detain runaway teens on road 96, who is dealing with their adoptive teen running away to find their biological parents. Alex, a fourteen year old genius hacker prodigy who has been recruited for the Black Brigades in hopes of finding more about their adoptive parents who were about of the revolutionary group. Stan and Mitch, the comic relief that are also highway robbers. Sonya is basically the ben shapiro of this universe. Okay, I'm joking, kind of. She is a news reporter whose show is funded by Tyrak's government and believes that the revolutionaries are nothing but terrorists. Lastly, we meet Jarod, whose daughter was recruited to be apart of the Brigades and killed in action during a protest, and now seeks vengeance against any Brigades directly responsible for her death as well as Sonya.

Now that we've met the cast, I feel like you can see where the puzzle pieces fit in. I'm not sure if the sequences I got were just very unlucky in timing, but I received the biggest exposition and clues about each character in my first encounters with each person. This made the rest of my runs feel really unsatisfying? For Jarod, for example, there is a scenario where you can meet him at an abandoned RV hideout and he essentially dumps the story of his dead daughter on you before revealing that the hideout actually belonged to the Brigades before they were ransacked and found by the government. He shows you his daughter's old RV, and then asks you to demolish a radio tower with him. Immediately after, he gets extremely angry and tells you to leave. Every encounter I had with him after this run, I anticipated more dialogue or exposition about him, but each encounter with him was either vaguely referencing a dead daughter that I'd already learned everything about, or vaguely referencing his plot to find the Brigades, which I'd also already learned about. This happens again with Zoe, who I first met when approaching an active RV hideout on my first road trip. She was causing trouble with the person renting out sleeping spaces, and after you bail her out from the cop, she tells you where you can rest. Eventually, in the middle of the night, she wakes you up and begins to talk to you about leaving (there is also a really fun trombone minigame in this section that has no effect on the story, but I actually really liked) and being a runaway. She tells you, ominously, that she's running away from her dad who is... well, you don't really need to know, just that they disagreed and that she comes from a place of privilege and can't stand being home now that she knows the system that upholds her privilege at the expense of others. then, she tells you she's leaving the next day alone. this was the most vague of Zoe cutscenes, and I actually didn't mind it, but now that you know her basic character, every scene with her feels redundant and too on the nose with no development about Zoe as a person, much like Jarod. She is a troublemaker and a rebel because of her dad. She is a liberal who wholeheartedly supports the anarchists/revolutionaries because of her dad's position. There next encounter I had, she is handcuffed behind a police car on the floor where the police are snacking and fueling their car (or at least, they're implied to be fueling up, but their car isn't taking gas and they aren't eating they're just sitting in complete silence). The gas station is owned by a Tyrak supporter, and you are asked by Zoe to help her escape. It is important to note that in every conversation with characters and npcs, you are always allowed to ask their opinion on the protests/Brigades or Tyrak. You are then allowed to make a choice between supporting Tyrak, supporting Flores (the democratic party), and supporting the Brigades. Every choice tells you in a popup on the screen that it will have a lasting impact, but so far I've really noticed none. Despite this, however, when greeted by a scenario that outright feels like "do you want to support Tyrak or the revolutionaries by helping this teenager?" you are given no option. You cannot do anything except help Zoe, which leaves your character being caught abetting and the both of you being held in the police's car. Zoe tells you blatantly that her dad is Tyrak, before Brigaders come kill the cops and help the two of you escape, taking Zoe with them. Idk, there just isn't much else to say about these characters. I like Jarod to an extent, as well as John. To me, they are the most likeable characters in this game despite also having a fairly one-note personality, but at least they are interesting. I don't even want to get into Alex, who is the most obnoxious character in this game. Constantly referring to you by "homegirl" or "homie", yo! It's so awkward, and the voice acting is this game isn't particularly stellar either. We need to get white people out of the writer's room, seriously.

Aside from the terrible storytelling, there isn't anything left to the game, really. It is driven by its story and the choices you can make, but when the story is bad and the choices mean nothing in the grand scheme of things, then what? The exploration is okay. You have an energy meter to start with, and traveling usually uses a bar or two out of something like 10 or so. You begin each run with a gauge that is usally not filled (you get to pick between 3 lost teens who begin with a random amount of money or stamina), and you can replenish your energy using food or drinks. The biggest issue is that there is no consistency with this system. Sometimes taking the bus takes up two energy meters, while hitchhiking only takes one but sometimes walking along the road also only takes one, or maybe two? There have been times walking takes up 3? And eating a burger usually restores two energy, except when it only fills one. Same with resting and drinking. They can refill your energy one. Or maybe two? It's pure randomness. You can be entirely unlucky and pass out because your character spawns with 2 stamina and the first walking encounter takes 2 as well, which means you die. It's just a weird system. You also pick up perks that carry between runs after certain encounters with each character that makes the game incredibly easy. My first perks were an energy perk from John that means sometimes I can just take no energy from certain progression interactions or open safes/lockers with my strength and potentially gain money or food, which can be used to replenish my stamina or hail a bus that will use less stamina. The other perk I grabbed in my first run was a charm from Sonya that makes chance interactions have better odds, as well as more charming interactions, i guess. This usually leads to an abundance of money in my runs, which means I have basically no threat of dying, which .. makes the threat of this perilous road trip so pathetic. This game just really relies on the story to hold it up, but it's so flimsy. Just don't bother picking it up.

im not gonna lie, i have attempted to log this game dozens of times. how do you rate a game you fell in and out of love with? especially when it changed your life? its fun. it sucks. the balance is horrendous. ive never felt happier than duoing with a friend in comp. the update to ow2 was better. i miss playing tank duos with random people. this community is terrible. i met my best friends because of this game. i miss goats. the devs did what they could for this game. they didnt do enough. i hate the league. owl was the best part of this game.

i love overwatch.

this game is so fucking good Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!

if youre like me and only boot up the sims because building houses are fun, you will love this game. my one complaint is very subjective but also is enough to diminish how much i like it: the game is so fucking ugly. that shouldnt matter but to me it does. i dont like decorating my houses nearly as much as just sandboxing in the sims because the overall furniture is ugly and the textures are this weird uncanny realism (the wood in particular is offensive). this is not constructive, which is something i try to be when i leave negative reviews but thats really the only reason i dont play this game. i like the indepth house plans and the ui and the feeling of really building up each house you buy/renovate, it's just... ugly.

i solo'd a round when my friend was afk and i felt like a god

fun on first play, but getting all the endings is a slog which takes the magic away. seeing the characters be so fleshed out through a larger social media was pretty cool, though