Should have just watched the marsh vid instead of playing the whole game. Super fucking boring and easy. I highly recommend you don't play this its awful.

The game gear version is more interesting but the game is pretty generic still.

Lovely game still Auron best dude.
Ending still hits like a ton of bricks refuse to play ffx-2 again despite how fun the gameplay is.

Honestly pretty mediocre. But this is a really good starter vn for Japanese Studying.

Feels really watered down and boring to play compared to original ninja gaiden 2 .Haven't played the black mod but l think just buying a new xbox and playing 2 that way would be a much better investment in my time.

Yea this is pretty awful the cutscenes are really charming though. And the character portraits are really nice. I'd just youtube all the cutscenes.

I remember when my mum bought me this as a sick present. Played a shit ton of it with friends back in the day. Its pretty mediocre but l have really fond memories.

Played this in arcades and god it felt weird to play. Didn't really think it was anything amazing great cast of characters though.

Very buggy and unfinished and very underwhelming compared to the previous entries. Very disturbing people are giving this a 5/5. Go play the other entries or actual finished crpgs.

I really can't be bothered to finish this. Despite its fun gameplay l just am not invested at all. None of the characters are interesting and the story is just boring. With fates l actually liked some of the characters. And the story was so stupid it was actually fun to go through. Its why l can go through conquest or even revelations and have fun. But this game just does not have that for me.

Really good character writing but the combat is very stale wish we could get this kind of writing in a real game.

The last 20% is incredible and one of the most amazing dungeon experiences in the whole FF franchise.
The amount of characters you can choose and the moon itself is some of the best FF content out there.
Too bad all the chapters leading up to it mostly suck.
Also why the FUCK did they remove Golbez's armor? He looks cool but his armor is iconic.

You can have as many problems as you like with Centralfiction but that finale is stupendous and heart-wrenching and a vital lesson to anyone with aspirations for long-form fiction: the finale is not about solving your lore problem, it's about solving your characters.

Got me into fighting games in 2008. Actually won a tournament as a Jin main at an anime convention. Its not very good but l have a lot of sentimental value to it the sequels are better of course.