3 reviews liked by keishining

Buddhist philosophy intersecting Mesoamerican/African mythology (sort of shares a property with the Star Wars prequels in which some of these fictional cultures definitely feel racially undertoned but trying to place a finger on what specific race makes YOU the racist one. Current working theory is that the Zora are either Swedish or Korean.) in a game that's so good it doesn't make sense it exists. Escapes the humongous shadow OOT casts over the franchise by unashamedly bogarting every single asset that game had and becoming an unimpeachably weird, sombre but never maudlin, beautiful freak of a sequel. One sidequest of love and tragedy that spans 3 days and 3 nights ends a minute and a half before the moon crashes into the earth, forces you to rewind the clock, and 10 seconds later, it's like it never happened at all. Memento mori - remember you will die. You loop through Samsara, you do it all again.

Link becomes the de facto sin-eater of Termina, coming and going without a trace. You can't be everywhere. You can't save everyone. You loop through Samsara, you do it all again.

adoro como todos os aspectos desse jogo transmitem uma sensação de inexperiência e experimentação, com desenvolvedores ainda n muito familiarizados com 3D tentando lidar com o hardware ainda um tanto q alien do Nintendo 64. é meio q lindo, e amo esse jogo de paixão. só talvez seja meio quebradinho demais as vezes e tenha chefes insuportáveis. mas tudo bem. eu desculpo ele.

destaque vai para a trilha sonora da Jun Chikuma. ela meio q consegue elevar todo jogo do Bomberman em q ela foi compositora, mas nesse aqui o trabalho dela está em outro nível. acho q Redial vai ficar pra sempre na minha cabeça. simplesmente maravilhosa.

im tired of motherfuckers in school tellin me, always in the barbershop "thug2 aint about this, thug2 aint about that" my boy a og on fuckin bam margera and them, they say he dont be putting in no work SHUT THE FUCK UP! yall AINT KNOW SHIT!!!

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