dropped this game because of the stupid fucking spring powerup its so horrible and unfun

please this game is so flawed and boring

this game is actually fantastic despite all the developer controversy the previous years. the devs have gotten a brain (due to peer pressure) and the game has unfolded into something amazing. not at all what it was in 2013, but still a fantastic game, thats way more complicated than anything else you've played


btw play legendary. world class sucks dick

great fifa game but the plyaers are slow and weird so i moved to 17

Simply excellent, top GOTY contender. The combat is fast, quick, and relentless, and the movement feels very speedy. Everything in it is satisfying. The worlds and maps you play in look fantastic, and they are all varied unlike DOOM 2016's bland red-gray pallette.

Overall, this is DOOM 2016 but much much better, the people who complain about the easily refillable ammo or the very easy occassional platforming are nitpicking

Highly recommend