2 reviews liked by kenny_rrl

Overall this is an early access survival game. Lots of missing features, a lame ending, and overall there is horrendous optimization and polish and it certainly needs work. But it is good, and promising. Lots of stuff to do and a lot of the caves feel cool to explore and fight in, with really awesome rewards for exploration because you can find some very unique tools. The building is both better and worse, because it is harder to use but also you can build more and have more creativity. The mutants are a little safer in design and not as freaky, a little too humanoid but the companions you get are really cool. The enemy AI of course is top notch and they feel like actual, breathing people that will run away or give up or ignore you depending on things. I hope they keep their promise of expanding on the game and updating it constantly but we will have to see. You certainly have to understand it is an early access game to enjoy it right now. I will update this review as time passes and I do more playthroughs and hours. If you don't mind early access or have friends, grab it. If you do mind early access you'll have to sadly wait a couple of months.

a friend got me obsessed with collect all pets this month and im kinda rlly embarrassed abt it