I got in trouble for spending too much money via my mom's credit card.

This looked at the alpha release and what made it fun and decided to remove it

Really fun game with a lot of enjoyable playtime. And that's despite me not having completed it entirely, as the final boss suddenly increases so much in difficulty compared to all the bosses before that you need to start grinding levels

A LOT of content for a game with a finite story at this price range, including continuous updates and dlc. Occasionally it suffers from one of their one-time minigames being too weird, but otherwise extremely enjoyable if you just want to have some (slightly stressful) fun and exploration.

Overall okay enough for me to actually finish it, but this is by far the weakest entry in the series.

In the beginning, you have to go through a tutorial that spans multiple hours until you actually get to play the game normally. Once through that, the story is promising at times, but always ends up with some kind of weird twist. On the rare occasion it does get exciting, it quickly rolls over to a different strand, you never really receive a satisfying answer to any of the questions brought up.

The gameplay is lacking as well, with no reason to re-visit dungeons (aside from orb missions where you'd usually only have to go a single time once you have ~3 to accept there). Aside from a few exceptions, no dungeon feels as unique or interesting as in other PMD titles, not to mention almost all of them are less than 10 stages long, often with at least one "pause" inbetween, meaning you can ignore hunger and move management 90% of the time, even in the late game. At the same time, enemies can either do no damage at all, or one-hit you, there is barely an inbetween.

Given I was able to recruit level 50+ partners when I was just about level 15, I had no reason to do more of those after finishing the main story either, there's no extra incentive to complete the orb missions. Finally, other than a small number of additional dungeons, there is absolutely no post-game content.

The music is nice and there were a handful of well played jokes that gave me good laughs.