Not bad. But not great. Catching mechanics bring it down a lot. Art style is good tho 👌

As someone who 100% this game I think it's pretty good. Not perfect tho.

Combat is neat too

Might be my favorite pokemon game to date. So many fond memories with this game.
Probably the best remake game freak have done too imo

I think these games get too much hate. They are good for what they are but I think after coming off Black and White and their sequels the community had high expectations.

Perfect in every way. Music, art, story, character designs, all of it is perfect

My first pokemon game. Definitely good but isn't as good as other titles. High rating due to nostalgia mostly.

Bloody love this game to bits. Never a dull moment with it.

No rush to get back into it since it's just a sim. But always good for a game or two.

This is a game that I can constantly come back too. Always fun for me.

The only downside is the pvp is pay to win at times. But PvE is great