TBH peak gaming. Just plain fun. Tho it did give me nightmares as a child

Ehhhhh this game is okay. I dont like solo queues survivor but that's all you can do when no one else you know plays this game. Some killers like spirit feels impossible to play against without coms and in general the game is quite dark and hard to read whats going on even with colourblind settings on (Im a colourblind gamer :D) So yeah not my cup of tea but not that bad either.

Destroys friendships 10/10. also love bad romance by lady gaga. But also sooooo boring to play alone like you need friends for a good experience.

HELP this game................ Ive never come across such horribleness... which is so sad because the character design and theme in this game is AMAZING but the community and the lack of simple QOL features like a skip button for stories kills this game entirely. The dialouge makes me actually want to KMS because its such a waste of my time on this planet. I could literally be doing anything else and it would have a more positive impact not just on the world but MYSELF TOO. THIS GAME TAKES YEARS OFF YOUR LIFE AND MAKES YOU LOSE BRAIN CELLS. I actually cant believe I spent so much time playing this ass game. The soundtrack, environment and characters are the ONLY thing making it not 0 stars thats how good at least they are. Also fuck you for locking away any progression by having to watch HOUR LONG UNSKIPPABLE CUTSCENES before you can do events or other IMPORTANT THINGS TO GAMEPLAY.

Decent game! I felt like it was more of a viewing sim rather than a puzzle game, but it was nice. The ending was great with a nice message to go along, but for such a short game it needed more polish/depth for the money I spent. Music is really good tho!!

AMAZING GAME. The music alone just blows everything away but then the gameplay picks it up from there. The only reason this isnt 5 stars is beause some characters are super annoying to play if you want completion but you dont havveeee to play them its just annoying as my small brain likes completing things. This game is epic tho so badass and makes you feel amazballs. Super stressful tho so not for the faint of heart.

Like reallllyyy bad. I could not get into it because it was just way to confusing and the controls were awful. Plus it wasnt that fun just quite grindy and boring.

A classic. Literally if you havent played this game in any form you need to seek mental help because this is everything. Xbox 360 edition was obvi my fav but I dont mind the new updates either. Its an amazing sandbox game

Essential Gaming. If you like to bully children then this is the place to go. Only reason this is 4 stars is because it aint like how it used to be plus its too kid friendly I wish I could swear

pls why are the negative comments so stupid. This game is for a specific croud. If you this genre then this is the peak game t experince, and if you dont then why are you playing a game in this genre. I love this game its just amazballs and im sorry to everyone who cant experince this game with mods. I love being able to marry everyone in the valley and them not get mad at eachother #polycule

Just everything you ever need in a game. Building, graphics, lore, epic fighting. I love this game so much and love the dev team even more they never miss with their updates

Just an amazing experience. Best puzzle game and sci-fi story i’ve ever experienced. It was so ahead of its time and even playing it in 2021 it was way better than many games released a decade after it. So amazing, best villain arc ever. 11/10