In retrospect, rating Forza Horizon 2 against what has come after it, it becomes clear that this game offered a glimpse into the series' somewhat stagnant development. In a way, I blame FH2 for setting the bar so high that Playground Games seemed hesitant to deviate from its winning formula.

The music, a cornerstone of the franchise, is borderline good here—though not quite matching the excellence of its predecessor. While the car list is somewhat underwhelming, the addition of the Fast & Furious car pack adds some excitement. The graphics are stunning, even when compared to FH5, showcasing an impressive range of weather and lighting conditions.

Perhaps it's nostalgia, but I find myself appreciating this game more than the modern Forza Horizon entries. FH2 feels more vibrant, both visually and tonally. It also has an aura that makes me feel warm and cozy while cruising down the coastline, somewhat of an identity that’s lacking in it’s successors.

The soundtracks in this game are INSANELY good???? The starting menu, the radio stations, the engine sounds, everything is just so perfect. I could just cruise in this game forever. It's probably my favorite game in the Forza franchise and the entire 360 era <3


the controls are kinda unintuitive but i’m eating up the early 2000s soft grunge skater aesthetic unfortunately:(

Quantum Break deserves a round of applause for pushing the boundaries of video game storytelling with its top-tier writing and live-action segments. Aidan Gillen delivers a fantastic performance as the tech villain, really anchoring the game's tone. I have to say I actually enjoyed the TV show aspect a lot; it added more depth to the otherwise short story and turned out to be a creative decision that truly paid off. It's rare to see an AAA title that doesn't conform to the usual formulas, but it takes a fresh approach by pulling in well-known actors and focusing heavily on narrative development as the game progresses. That said, my only gripe is that the choices you make as Serene don't actually affect the story as much as the game alludes to. I also really enjoyed Beth Wilder's character and hope we get to see more of her if there's ever a sequel!

The same psychosis shtick to commodify mental illness but the rocks are shinier now in UE5 <3

selling schizophrenia as an aesthetic is WILD

P3R was my first taste of the Persona series, and oh man, this series is tough to love. While the JRPG elements and art style were intriguing at first, the casual bigotry, misogyny, and transphobia in both the game and its community quickly turned me off. The high school simulation aspect often felt cringe-worthy, with female characters falling into reductive stereotypes and written like a 13-year-old in heat, which highlights bigger issues within the series. The community's dismissive attitude towards these valid criticisms only makes the atmosphere more unwelcoming. Despite its okay story and gameplay, the blatantly bigoted moments and terrible writing reminded me why I was hesitant to dive into serious gaming for so long. Maybe I should stick to the niche corners of the internet, places that make room for everyone and not just japanophile men.

as if people are not bullied enough for playing regular minecraft who is this for im so baffled

the tristate metropolitan driving simulator

crackdown 3 is like if someone drew cyberpunk 2077 from memory and the protagonist is the oompa loompa from the glasgow willy wonka experience

Comparing to the first entry, the sudden unexplained shift in tone towards horror in Kona 2 was a bit jarring, which unfortunately failed to engage me in its plot. The intentional obscurity in both lore and gameplay aimed for an eerie ambiance but resulted in a confusing mess. The addition of more action oriented combat felt unnecessary and out of place, disrupting the original game's immersive exploration-focused experience. I found myself missing the more methodical pace of its predecessor, where the emphasis on exploration and atmosphere was far more effective. While I appreciate the devs attempting to innovate, it felt like a misstep in the game's overall direction.

i only dabble in FPS but i can appreciate that this is one of the franchises that really delivers stellar campaigns and interesting maps, the antithesis of what the genre is heading towards in 2024

played this in a trance state and thought the baddies look like kingpin from the spiderverse movies

i have a (completely baseless) hunch that if you like this game you are either 8 or 50 there’s no in between

spent an hour creating my bodybuilder character just to realize i have no idea how this works and closed the game 5 minutes after