2022's 3x3(Best)

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Elden Ring
Elden Ring
What needs to say about this really?the setting is not my favorite setting in Souls games but damn is everything is so good,its progression,level design,customization,music,and boss fights are best Souls has ever been,Elden Ring brings me back to those days when i discover SMT where the sense of freedom is wild.


Witch on the Holy Night
Witch on the Holy Night
Everyone was right Mahoyo was that good. i won't say you would enjoy this if you're here for more type moon epic fights but as someone who appreciate quite moments more than hype moments,this is right up my alley,the change in tone makes the characters feel more lived than ever before,that's not to say the epic moments in mahoyo is bad or anything but rather the chill tone fits the story more.


Silent Hill 3
Silent Hill 3
After thinking some time,i like SH3 more than SH2. Sure 2 has better story but that's not to say 3 story is bad,when it compared to 2 it shows it flaws,but what i liked more about 3 than 2 is easily Heather,her journey from a teenager to realizing her own true self is really good,and the combat in 3 is better than ever before thanks to weapon variety and challenging difficulty,puzzles are also a lot more challenging but didn't make me angry or anything,the music is also top notch.


Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 2
Silent Hill 2 is regarded as one of the if not the best Survival Horror game of all time,and it shows by how much many horror games tried to replicate that same feeling SH2 had,mainly with its story which is,beatiful. Accompanied by Great "Quiet" Music and absolute wonderful themes,but for me personally i have a hard time with the game especially during the apartment,i think early puzzles kinda sucks and the backtracking towards the end really bothers me,still i love this game but i wouldn't say its the best,its one of the best.


Ever17: The Out of Infinity
Ever17: The Out of Infinity
Where do i begin. Ever17 reminds me when i first got into Key titles,it makes me very emotional yet really happy at the same time,while not as good as Key titles but it still hits especially with the true routes being one of emotional rollercoaster routes in the genre,but Ever17 had number of problems that i can't ignore even how much i really liked it,first Sora route is easily the weakest of the bunch and its obvious to see why,the build up to Sora character is good but the execution was definitely not there,and the pacing in the common route is very slow i'm not surprised if someone didn't like it because of this,that said i still love this game and its one of my new favorites VNs of all time.


Counting the whole quadrilogy here, IMOQ surprised me in both good and bad ways,the good is the story is still good 20 years later though during Mutation its definitely slowing down and there's some stuff in Quarantine that could've been explored more to make it such a interesting plot beats,the characters outside of the main cast didn't really do much but they get their job done to feel like actual people playing the game,the maincast is solid with obviously Kite And Blackrose being the best(especially in vol 3).
Then the bad comes mostly from gameplay perspective,and IMOQ combat definitely didn't aged very well,when i first played Infection i'd still enjoyed it but it gets very tiresome by the time i get into Outbreak,the music while good it can also get very boring by the time not even Outbreak but i'd say Mutation,and some dungeons just not fun to explore even if the reward is good. .hack IMOQ quadrilogy is still worth playing if you're looking for early 2000s JRPG feel despite all of its problems.


Silent Hill 4: The Room
Silent Hill 4: The Room
The most controversial entry in Team Silent SH Quadrilogy.
there's so much this game differs from old SHs that it may dissapoint people,SH4 had a lot of interesting concept but some of them definitely didn't executed very well or ended up just annoying,such as breakable weapons,limited inventory,and the changed in combat makes SH4 less enjoyable to play. But some of its flaws make SH4 more scarier especially with The Room mechanic,then the story which was awesome,i never had any problem with Henry aside from his voice sounds weird but Walter Sullivan Man,damn what a great character.


Remember 11: The Age of Infinity
Remember 11: The Age of Infinity
Remember11 had potential to be better than Ever17 if it was finished and had better Ending,but even so Remember11 still impressed me with how much it can do in its state hell i'd even say it has better pacing and characters than Ever17,the true route is great but it some stuff could've been explained better,and some plot ideas also could've been executed better and use them more not just abandone it.
Still though Remember11 is still a great game but i'm sad that it it will never reach the potential it deserves.


The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero
The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero
And here we are on last place with the first entry in Crossbell Duology,Trails From Zero.
Originally i wanted to put the 3rd here but some doors in 3rd felt like it was there for the sake of being there,Zero surprised me with how much i enjoyed it from the setting,conflict within the city of Crossbell,the advantage and disadvantage of Polices/SSS,the dynamic of the SSS,the vastly improved combat,and the music,i really enjoyed all of this it's just flows really well,chapter 3 is where my main problem lies,it felt like they mashed up two plot points that disconnect from each other into one single big chapter,that's not to say the later chapters are bad tho in fact i think they're pretty good. Definitely a strong start and kept me interested to play Azure(which i'm doing rn).



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