Kinda hard to make a solid review of this since everyone's experience with gmod is different, but for me personally, playing the stock sandbox gamemode with friends provided quite a lot of enjoyment


You miss. The rattlesnake hit
You miss. The rattlesnake hit
A bite has weakened you
You miss. The rattlesnake misses
You miss. The rattlesnake hit
A bite has weakened you

(extremely influential and addictive game, but the difficulty of the later *nix versions can get unfair)

A minigame collection. I played through the whole story mode in a single sitting and I really wish I didn't

Really wish I learned how to play this much earlier than I did, it's a nice way to pass time

the windows store version, on the other hand, makes me lose all hope to a deeply unsettling degree. 0 stars

Fun little game for when you want to play something with friends, but have completely run out of options

Extremely basic at its core, but sometimes you just feel like rolling a digital ball around and you know what? This fulfills that need

An extremely bizarre product of both the 90s multimedia craze and Laurie Anderson. I went into this without having any prior knowledge of the artist, so I was lost on any references; it seems like the game hinges on knowing them beforehand. It's also the only game I've seen that displays its source code in a random book for you to look at. if you want to

hell yeah. love matching the fuzzy ball dudes

popcap wants us to forget about this one and I really don't know why

it's clubhouse games. 51 worldwide classics. games for the clubhouse. 51 of em. worldwide. the games are classics. 51 games, for clubhouse. classic 51 games known worldwide. 51

too many "pure chance" card games though

A snake game that's... actually somewhat original and not just a 2D clone?!

this game has a really weird mechanic where you're able to make entire role playing games

Cute little throwback to 80s microcomputer platformers, stumbled upon back when Steam didn't have as many F2P games

found out about Touhou in 5th grade via EoSD and I think my life trajectory was permanently altered as a result. good game

For a game that prides itself on being freeform and AI-driven, it really just feels like it's picking out a keyword to drive the story and not much else. Which... is fine I guess, until it starts misconstruing everything you say.

definitely more fun to break than it is to play. melon