4 reviews liked by korraslegend

A game that’s fun for 5 minutes or 5 hours. It’s perfect in its simplicity.

The best Scooby-Doo PS2 game by a mile. Everything from the monsters and level design, all the way down to the weird, quiet laugh track over bits of gameplay is a love letter to the equally strange original show.

The Last of Us 2 is a sequel faithful to it's predecessor. Returning characters' story arks are continued honestly and realistically, while less familiar faces breath new life into the franchise. Story beats vary in effectiveness, but a constant intensity, often enhanced by cleverly placed revelations and twists, made these weaker sections less of a hindrance to the overall pacing, especially considering the simple, yet incredibly refined gameplay.

this game's really cool and fun but also like very misogynist in regards to how it handles women. i will probably always prefer dishonored 1 to 2 but i'm so glad 2 stopped being like "turning a woman into a sex slave is a good thing actually"