its alright, like everyone else in the reviews i came for the milkman. there's another game like this i played years ago called The Peephole's Chronicles: Weird John, there's been no word on its development for a while and last i played it was a little buggy but had an awesome style and mechanics other than weird ugly people coming to your door. even after many years that game stuck with me because it was so stylish but it never really got any attention. anyways what im trying to say is that i think this game isn't worth it, i know it's unfinished but it still feels too barebones and uninteresting, if you like the concept i recommend checking out peephole's chronicles or if you havent already, papers please

buckshot more like im boutta give him backshots 🤤🤤🤤

my boyfriend and i played this together and the dialogue between andy and leyley felt like it was ripped straight from some of our own conversations :3

horrendous physics but i guess thats what makes it interesting

who else got crippling dunko addiction


this game made me sob so fucking hard and any game that can do that is a 10/10 in my eyes

This review was written before the game released

NO the fact that you can see James' eyes when he's looking in the mirror means the game is already ruined

nintendo keeps releasing half-baked (not even) games and i keep letting them get away with it

i like it i guess but i've never played it without mods and i imagine it would be miserable without them

when will horror games stop telling their story through reading long ass boring ass notes

i read all the other reviews and like a fool I did not heed their warnings. so this is yet another warning to anyone who has this game on their backlog. Turn back now