7 reviews liked by kribo

cookie clicker for perverts (the way i play it)

Living in Finland fucking sucks.

such a stupid ass game and so much fun to play with your friends. i love it

The epitome of almost everything wrong with the modern video game industry. The release of Overwatch 2 amounted to a glorified balance patch, leaving the game watered-down and devoid of what made 2016 Overwatch as addictive and charming as it once was, robbing everyone of the option to ever return to it.

Ultimately, all of this was for the inclusion of an incredibly predatory monetisation system which stripped out any sense of progression, locking basic cosmetics and even future playable characters behind egregious paywalls and time gates. Any fun to be had as a casual player was diminished thanks to the overadjustments made to character and team balance, simply to pander to the minority that is the competitive crowd. I feel bad for the developers, because there is clearly passion behind aspects such as the visual and audio design, but everything surrounding it radiates one of the most greedy, disdainful auras in video games today. Not to mention the pre-release lies about the delivery of full scale PvE content - the entire reason Overwatch 2 was supposed to have been conceived in the first place. I never thought I'd say it, but I miss Overwatch.

Great news for Source Filmmaker enthusiasts though.