no. why would you play this in today's age when we have much more acceptable and GOOD mario karts out there? just let it stay as a relic of history and nothing more.

top 10 game of all time and top 5 game soundtrack ever deadass this shit is too fucking good

pretty fucking slow all things considered

thing is theres only one real stage worth checking out here and its the first one. after that you either get some bullshit like labyrinth zone or some nice but ultimately not standout stages like spring yard zone

and then you get some just totally audacious shit like scrap brain zone act 3 which i refuse to believe is a level that humans made jesus christ (the rest of the zone tho is, again, nice and fine but not particularly standout)

i can sorta (?) why it kicked off sonic so successfully into where he is today but i just dont get anything out of it like 2, 3, or hell, even cd. fine game for its time but not worth playing today when you have 2 and 3 right there for you.

tl;dr: just play green hill zone and go on with your day

sonic the midgehog

awesome characters. mid ass game

literally third best classic sonic i will NOT Hear any slander abt this game whatsoever

please. if your last time playing wasnt much of a thrill, i recommend giving sonic cd restored (with the and knuckles add-on preferably) a chance. it really made me realize just how fun this game can actually be.

The next big step for Crash Bandicoot that never was. It breaks my heart that this is really only a fraction of the full game we would've gotten. It honestly plays out more like a beta than a full game. Despite that, I still find this to be a really good game for how short and incomplete it is. Sure, the story feels like it's rushing itself and coming up with things on the fly, but I don't care. This still holds some of Crash's best moments period. And I patiently await the day where this game will get a second chance to become the fully realized vision it was always meant to be.

i don't know if i'll ever be able to fully articulate just how much this game means to me but to put it simply this is the definitive video game experience in my eyes. a game that is more than worthy to be called a real work of art and the ultimate standing point as to why video games should be considered art. i adored it when i played it in 2018, and i adore it even more after having played it all these years later, which is something i dont think i can say for most things. really this is only the tip of the iceberg for me i could say so so SO much more, but for now, i think this is a good place to start.

Still just you, Frisk.


yes, it is very short. and it isn't as good as chapter 2. but i don't care i still love the hell out of this. you'd just know if you were there on release day back when this was called "SURVEY_PROGRAM.EXE." it was the hypest shit, man. and that ending, man... shit caught me off-guard crazy back then and i still think it's great now. toby may have had his doubts, but i believe this is the beginning of a game that'll be better than UNDERTALE.

i think i have a new favorite game

finally played and completed this for the first time ever and man was i missing out on some a-tier shit. was not expecting this to be so fun. def one of the best kirby games :)

childhood favorite, def one of the best kirby games. fuck the arena tho god i forget how brutal the bosses are in this game

THE quintessential Kirby game, by far. It has everything and more that perfectly captures the essence of the franchise. A fantastic game and a great remake I'll be playing 'til I die.

This review contains spoilers

This game means so, so much to me. I consider this my true first Kirby experience, even if I potentially did play Super Star (and possibly even Adventure) before this. It was the first game in the series I finished and possibly one of the first games I ever completed 100%. I still have memories of beating The True Arena in my old apartment bedroom, couped up on the floor, exhausted from all my attempts but still persisting anyhow. Needless to say I was struck by this game in a way I hadn't really been before. I became obsessed with the series. So much so in fact that I wanted to gush my Kirby fangirlism online. And I remember watching this YouTuber named Meteorz (he'd do videos on the lore of Kirby) and hearing about Amino. Yes, my first real social media experience was on Amino. But could you blame me? I was like 11 at the time I had played this game (2017). Anyhow, I still have very fond memories of being on the Kirby Amino frequently. I became a semi-popular member there. Leafy was my name and the name for my Kirby OC back then. Hell, I even wrote a fanfic based on the Dark Matter trilogy on there. Of course I never finished it but I had all these crazy ambitious ideas for it... animations and voice acting and stuff... and to this day I continue to be as ambitious as 11-year-old me would be. Some things never change. Anyway, long story short, this game is literally the reason you're reading this or any of my reviews on here right now. I may consider UNDERTALE to be my favorite game ever made, but I'd be lying if I said this wasn't the most influential to me.

Thank you for a bright 7 years, Planet Robobot. May you shine on once more.

And to Kirby, for 31 years onward.

Fly! Kirby of the Stars.

When I first played this game, I thought "damn, this is great!"
Then I fought the final boss and had thoughts on if this might be the best game in the series since Planet Robobot.
Then I finished The Ultimate Cup Z and fully recognized that this is the series' greatest achievement.

even if i may like planet robobot more, this is absolutely without a doubt the best game in the entire series.