The first 2 days of me playing I played without mods and even then it was a beautiful game and you dont need mods to enjoy skyrim but considering how good some mods are there worth getting even for your first playthrough such as visual mods. The ending was underwhelming but the journey to get there was amazing and the ability to get lost in such a world. definitely a game everyone should to play even to this day

It's a short hike... I finished it in one sitting, it had a lovely ending and fantastic visuals and fun characters.

Fun and exciting movement game where boomerang go swish swish. I challenged my self if I can finish the game fast enough to request a refund and yes. I did manage to do so. considering there is a endless wave mode and its only 10$ i would recommend giving it a shot and if ur like me and like to save money u can just speed run it. if so i recommend playing the demo first cause u start the main game where u ended on the demo (it is kinda cheating tho) fun game that u can finish in one day I recommend if u yearn for titanfall 3 Not copium :(

Fun Dlc to play after the main story that is spectacular it self and adds more depth to cat woman and that one silver girl.

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Rip best man bt. This game is peak movement and has addictive flow to it when u get addicted to the flow hence making you more addicted. And gunplay is fluent and amazing.

It is the peak of creativity and with mods!!!!! easily a extra hundreds of hours added to your playtime. +plus my childhood

A beautifully created game with amazing set pieces and fantastic composition. The story included triumph and honor but lacks compelling character but has a heart plot. Considering how short this game it is definitely worth the go since you finish it in 2 days and is worth the experience. although combat does lack depth as it could be summed up in a 2d ghost of tsushima like combat

The gameplay and parkour in this game heavily carry the story lacks depth but the ending did leave me feeling a bit empty inside for a bit. But Hopefully the add this parkour system into other ac games cause tbh this game has the best parkour, customizations, weapon selection, and co-op

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Probably still going to play the multiplayer cause the gun play is honestly one of the best when it comes to fps and the campaign is hart racing and has compelling dialogues and the characters are very likeable and can be very hated.. looking at you graves. The missions make you feel like an actual special force agent which is cool. soap has silly haircut

Ac origins is much better than this game the visuals carry the movement is sluggish and animations are also and the skill tree sucks and so does the story and characters

As much as I say I hate this game I had fun with it while I did and i cant deny the 500 hours and more I put into the game it did get to the point where it was to competitive to have fun and the community is not the greatest still better than LoL's but the game is enjoyable if you like slower fps games like cs although u may find it more childish if your coming from cs

The villain is not near as compelling as they were in the first one but it is a upgrade it terms of combat and web swinging and the campaign was short and lacked affection but did make you have the feels for like 10 seconds although the first did it better but a easy 100% if your looking for it

The falling. Would have been amazing if it had a map creator and would have made the game last longer

Games really fun if you have a friend you want to annoy and nail them to the ground every other 5 seconds (GOTY for a reason it has a nice heartfelt story to it and even married adults could learn a lot from the game)

This review was written before the game released

To many balancing issues and no point in it being titled another game cause no pve was fun when for couple of weeks after release with friends tho