Phew FF7 lore is huge! As a first timer I'm enjoying it :D

I have 3 badges now and for real, every time I start playing Pokemon, I get drowsy and end up taking a nap hahaha why it has a sleepy effect on me???

But I will still try to play it as I find it quite alluring.

It's okay, except when you progress far enough and the saving takes loads of time. It might be because the assets were getting bigger and bigger. Not sure if it's just my pc but if not, they need to optimize it. Disappointing coz I kinda like it but I don't want to redo it when it crashes coz I turned off the auto-save.

I dunno if I like this one better or the first one. But I can definitely say that I don't like Amicia's hair in this game lol. Also, if I wanted a 'souls' game I could have played Elden Ring instead. Goddammit I'm playing with Normal difficulty but it feels like I am playing hardcore haha. Or perhaps I just suck at it xD

It's a breath of fresh air for this kind of game but it gets repetitive after a while. Hope I can stick to it a little longer but knowing me, maybe not hahaha

It's quite good for an Early Access game. Will definitely replay this when v1.0 is out.

Fun but no replayability for me


Az a cat person, Game of the Year! jk

Let me be the first to say that this is overrated

This is nice! Simpler colony Satisfactory

Definitely better than the first one. Even managed to Plat this yey. So beautiful and rich in most aspects. My only problem was those repetitive NPC models. I guess that's the drawback when the quality of the visuals is soooo soooo sharp.

I dont know about you guys but I genuinely enjoyed the dialogues.

I like that they deviated from their usual formula. Kinda love it since I am also an open-world fan.

As a person without creativeness in her body, I was surprised to immediately click with this game. I guess the only downside or suggestion is that perhaps the devs came up with quests or something even after end game. For me, once you finished everything to do here, it became soulless. Unless of course, it is your passion to build castles and everything, then this is for you. For me, I would still like to have dailies even post-game instead of just trying out building new stuff.