when i got this as a kid, it was the only wii game i owned that wasnt a bootleg copy. it stood out among my other games as a physical item and for the game it was. it isnt my favorite mario but it does deserve every bit of praise it gets. I got through to the 100% ending on the switch without feeling any fatigue for its gameplay and world.

played this like 6 years after portal 2, its good but play them in order

best paper mario. i love these silly little characters and soundtrack. the hub world's design altered my brain chemistry as a young lad.

i mean how can you dislike this one

hehe funny potato

the absolute best this series has ever been. the single player is the perfect marriage of octo expansion and the og story mode style, while also doing its own thing. (site 5's theme is one of the best in the series). everything flows so much better from menus to gameplay additions. one of the best games on the switch

this was written right before 3.0.0 drops so hopefully they add more silly little things

there something weird about saying that this is one of the best single player experiences nintendo has ever put out, but ya know its right there. portal + splatoon is good

i cant beat inner agent 3

felt a bit like an enhanced port of splat1 at launch, especially since the single player felt so samey but it did its job in introducing way more people to this series by retreading and improving here and there. salmon run is the perfect way to do zombies in the world of splatoon.

off the hook is better than the squid sisters

the absolute best thing to come out of the wii u. the worldbuilding and style of this game is magnificent. a game play loop that seems simple but is so addictive. fantastic single player with a final boss so good they re use it in every game. also the music is really silly and good.

team callie

added so much good stuff, multiplayer, had a really fun unique story mode, all the additions the course editor are great

but it just doesnt work nearly as well without the gamepad. also taking out the amiibo costumes was dumb

such a no brainer idea, executed in a great way and a perfect fit for the wii u gamepad

and its technically a mario paint sequel

they almost got it perfect in every way and then they only added 5 maps, and never made dlc

so close

the best mario kart but better, i wish it didnt replace an all new mario kart on the switch though

the best mario kart, battle mode stinks though

these are easily the best versions of these games (except maybe sm64) but everything else about this collection blows, galaxy 2 should've been a part of this