i am in love with dana zane from this game

I don't really know how to structure my thoughts on this game. But, needless to say, it's amazing. Almost everyone ever has said that, and I am too. I had very few issues with the whole game, and, while not as good as Replicant in my opinion, the experience is still amazing and worth going through for anyone who enjoyed Replicant even a little bit.

if i wasn't told that neutral route gave you the most lore shit and the most complete story i absolutely would have gone law based on jonathan alone i NEED that man

add ragna you fucking cowards

definitely the best game in the trilogy. writing quality was insane, cases 4 and 5 are fantastic. 5 especially is the best in the series hands down. i do have issues with the game's case 3, but that literally is just an aa2 case stuck in a better game so it's forgivable. i will just judge ace attorney 2 more harshly for it

i liked this WAY more than i was expecting to. while i did like the prior two blazblue stories, chronophantasma kinda blows them out of the water in almost every way. the scale is so much bigger and i really, really love it. i cannot wait for centralfiction.

a definite improvement over calamity trigger gameplay-wise and FAR more understandable story-wise but those stories did feel as if they dragged on for a bit too long. i did really like the characters though, new and old. old ones got some improvement and new ones, for the most part, are pretty likable.

understood literally none of this but i LOVE ragna the bloodedge i LOVE him he is SO cool

genuinely do not understand the hate. yeah the gameplay is a bit clunky and takes some getting used to but it's fine (even fun) once you finally do. that aside, story characters and music are about as good as you can expect from guilty gear- that is to say amazing. some of my favorite scenes in the series are from this, and introducing sin and the valentines is great for both this game and the rest of the series. only major issues are that the pc port kinda sucks ass and that it does take a bit of time to get used to but i think it's totally worth playing