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Welcome to Rapture! The gameplay mechanics in "Bioshock" are impressive. The use of plasmids, genetically engineered abilities that grant the player supernatural powers, adds a new dimension to combat. Whether freezing enemies with Ice Blast or setting them ablaze with Incinerate, the variety of plasmids encourages experimentation and strategic thinking.

Additionally, the game's morality system, where players must choose between saving or harvesting Little Sisters, adds depth to the narrative and forces players to consider the consequences of their actions. Go try it out for yourself.

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"Bioshock 2" builds upon the solid foundation laid by its predecessor, delivering a refined and satisfying gameplay experience. Set in the underwater city of Rapture once again, players assume the role of a Big Daddy, diving deeper into the city's mysteries while facing off against new threats.

One of the most notable improvements in "Bioshock 2" is the enhanced combat mechanics. As a Big Daddy, players have access to a powerful arsenal of weapons and plasmids, allowing for a more diverse and strategic approach to combat. The ability to dual-wield weapons and plasmids adds a layer of depth to battles, allowing for creative combinations and tactics.

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"Bioshock Infinite" delivers an exhilarating gameplay experience intertwined with a captivating plot that challenges the boundaries of storytelling in video games.

Gameplay-wise, "Bioshock Infinite" introduces several innovations while retaining the core elements that made the series iconic. The skyline system allows for fast-paced and dynamic movement around the floating city of Columbia, adding a new layer of verticality to combat encounters. Players can traverse the expansive environments with ease, engaging enemies from above or using the skyline to evade attacks.

Combat in "Bioshock Infinite" is fluid and responsive, with a diverse selection of weapons and Vigors (the game's equivalent of plasmids) at the player's disposal. The combination of gunplay and Vigor abilities encourages experimentation, as players discover unique strategies to overcome the various challenges they encounter.

The plot of "Bioshock Infinite" is a tour de force of narrative ambition, blending elements of science fiction, alternate history, and social commentary into a thought-provoking tale. Set in the early 20th century, the game follows protagonist Booker DeWitt as he ventures to the flying city of Columbia to rescue a mysterious woman named Elizabeth. As the story unfolds, players are drawn into a complex web of political intrigue, moral dilemmas, and mind-bending revelations.

The relationship between Booker and Elizabeth forms the emotional core of the game, with their interactions driving both the plot and gameplay forward. Elizabeth's AI companion mechanics are revolutionary, as she actively assists players during combat by providing ammunition, health, and opening tears in the fabric of reality to summon helpful objects or environmental hazards.

As players delve deeper into Columbia's secrets, they are confronted with thought-provoking themes such as nationalism, religious extremism, and the nature of choice and consequence. The game's narrative twists and turns keep players on the edge of their seats, culminating in a mind-bending finale that leaves a lasting impact.

"How about we start with light?" ELIZABEEETHHH!!!

Overall, Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea - Episode 2 is a worthy conclusion to the Bioshock saga, offering a compelling blend of gameplay and storytelling that will resonate with fans of the series. With its engaging stealth mechanics, emotional narrative, and atmospheric world-building, it stands as a testament to the narrative potential of video games as a medium.

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I actually played LIS a long time ago, but then I wasn't very committed to finishing any game I came across, with Undertale being an exception, so I picked up this game once more weeks ago.. and needless to say, BEST. GAME. EVER!! Well, I wasn't joking. I love Maxine's power a whole lot, I think she's got the strongest one out of all three. However, I just have a problem with the plot.. sort of.. I'm not as attached to Chloe as I should be, so of course I didn't want the blood of innocent people to be on my hands, and preferred to sacrifice Chloe. There was just so many things that Chloe did that didn't sit well with me, so I couldn't let it go. (The way she treated Max, though..?)

Gameplay wise, maybe it's because it's the first time, so there are quite a lot of flaws. I know it's a choice based game, but the fact that the actions are quite limited and how we're always urged to finish the quest as soon as it's up. And the lightning.. I'm blind as a bat. The remastered version made it look weird.

Will play it again, though! Amazing plot. <3

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When I tell you I haven't cried so much because of a game since The Walking Dead S1.. I'M TELLING Y'ALL THE TRUTH. I literally bawled. I was skeptic at first because I right away played this one after I finished the first one, I thought then, what could possibly beat THAT kind of plot? Well.. this one did. I thought it was kinda stupid at first how they felt the need to run away in the first place, but now I understood what Diaz brothers wanted all along. Played it twice in the span of 12 hours because I got the high morality ending and then the brothers got separated.. so I tried the other ending where the both of them ended up in Mexico, despite the lives they're living. I don't care! After everything, the best ending should be where they both end up together.

Gameplay wise, much better. Graphic wise too. I love the fact that we could truly immerse ourselves as Sean and draw so WELL. Though I've got problems with the lightning on Episode three too. Sorry, my eyesight is really poor. </3

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"Life is Strange: True Colors" delivers an emotionally resonant narrative experience wrapped in a compelling mystery, offering players a heartfelt journey through the eyes of its protagonist, Alex Chen.

At its core, "True Colors" is a narrative-driven adventure game that focuses on storytelling and player choice. The game follows Alex as she navigates the small town of Haven Springs, uncovering secrets and forging relationships with its inhabitants. The standout feature of the game is Alex's empathic ability, which allows her to sense and manipulate the emotions of those around her. This unique power not only shapes the gameplay mechanics but also drives the narrative forward, as Alex delves deeper into the lives of the people around her and uncovers the truth behind her brother's untimely death.

The narrative of "True Colors" is both intimate and poignant, exploring themes of loss, identity, and the complexities of human emotion. As players guide Alex through her journey, they are faced with difficult choices that have far-reaching consequences, challenging them to consider the impact of their actions on the lives of others. The game's writing is heartfelt and authentic, drawing players into its world and inviting them to empathize with its characters.

Visually, "True Colors" is stunning, with vibrant environments and expressive character animations that bring Haven Springs to life. The game's soundtrack complements the mood and tone of each scene, enhancing the emotional impact of key moments.

The music chosen is very pleasant to the ears, too.

Literally what the fawk.. the hardest game I've ever came across playing. </3

Kids who grew up with Undertale are now too depressed to function.

I'm not meant for grinding games, for real.

RPG turn-based isn't my cup of tea, either.

Ezio is one of the reasons why I got more than one middle name now.

We're here for the cult stuff! Saw the ad on the Craigslist..