weird af ending but kino
also has really unhype main villain... in the end only the trio are the most interesting part

good game carried hard by 9s... 2b and A2 is kinda mediocre but they have nice ass i guess

please play this masterpiece before you die

this game is so fucking good best persona

shit gameplay but please play it for the sake of the one of the best story in gaming history

peak fiction man, definitely the meaning of peak fiction

This is the best game ever written in the history of visual novels. Every aspect of the game is sublime and exciting. Plot is quite simple at first sight but DDLC somewhat makes you keep interested in the game, it's a sign of a very well-written visual novel.
I have played over sixty visual novels in my VNDB but I still haven't met a game better than DDLC in any aspects. It tops Mahoyo's beautiful presentation. White Album 2's pathos and emotional heartbreaking moments and Cross Channel by Romeo Tanaka's poetic and prose genius.
Fantastic game, recommended!