a solid, condensed standalone expansion to the first game that fell a little short for me. the venom powers just didn't feel that interesting to me, and lacked the variety that parker's gadgets had going for them. i'll still swing around all day

I’ll swing around all day

too many fuckin' metroids in this game.

once i realized this game is basically ninja castlevania, i started to have a real good time with it.

i've played a bunch of comedic videogames but i never knew they could actually make you laugh

not as good as flatout but i'll still smash up those cars

i have never felt more punished than when i reset a puzzle and had to listen to these people argue again

why yes i think i would like to trip over rocks in 60fps, thank you very much

this game is basically what i have been yelling that Housemarque should have done when they complained that "arcade is dead." the thing is, most "roguelikes" are just arcade games with a bit of procedural generation, and i suspect if nex machina had gone down that path, it would have enjoyed similar success. well, with returnal, they did, and it did

i would have liked this better if you just played as both characters throughout the campaign, rather than the half-baked second playthrough gimmick that rehashes 2/3 of the game. visually stylish, good music. it feels stingy with upgrades, and man, i am not gonna grind. combat is satisfying but certain aspects, like a dodge without i-frames, just feel kinda bad when you get cornered by some weird lightbulb monster spraying Hurt Water

a game about pushing a cursor around the screen that doesn't feel like absolute garbage to play... turns out all you needed was a little guy with a dodge roll