this game felt like such a pleasant surprise. it created a nice aesthetic for itself and it feels like it has a surprising amount of depth for an early access survival game. the building sometimes feels frustrating, but it's also the part of the game i feel most invested in and making viking villages with my friends has been a really nice time.

i can't wait to see how this game turns out as it gains more features and polish

rather than being a deconstruction of VNs, this feels like a short primer for anyone who doesn't know much about them or have experience playing them. its story and characters feel more like nods to common ideas rather than unique traits of its own and even the shocking moments are very common in other, more storied VNs, such as Higurashi or You and Me and Her.

that said, I don't think it's a bad thing that this is a bite-sized version of other VN experiences if you're looking to introduce someone to VNs or are just starting out yourself and want to see if they're for you. it's really hard to argue with "Free" after all.

A game that's lyrical in its prose, with visuals so stunning, they look like crafted illustrations. This game has moments that will be with me forever, and it seems many feel the same, now seeing its influence on so many games, even before it was finished.

There's not much I can say about this game that hasn't already been said, but I want to note how much The Entertainment stood out to me specifically. Afterwards, I felt like i had finished reading a gothic horror short story similar to something like The Lottery and it's probably now one of my favorite video game moments period.

Vicarious Visions getting eaten up by Blizzard right after this release... heartbreak of the century 💔

This game made me realize my love for CRPGs and Strategy RPGs and still manages to stand out as there's nothing else like it.

Its sandbox nature makes it feel as though there's endless opportunities and approaches to scenarios as if you were playing an actual TTRPG. On top of all these different play styles, playing co-op with friends brings even more fresh experiences to the table.

There's so much game here, it's incredible how polished and high quality it all feels.