4 Reviews liked by lucasquareli


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Lies of p é jogo pra quem jogou todos os dark souls e elden ring e ta querendo mais. Só que esse mais aqui é uma amalgama mal feita de todos eles com uma pitada de devil may cry 5.

Vamo lá, o jogo não é muito original obviamente a história é chupada de um conto de fadas e o gameplay é de dark souls, só que pior, mais travado, menos responsivo e bem chatinho.

O jogo tem clara inspiração no parry de sekiro, na verdade da pra comparar com o royal guard também de devil may cry 5, a diferença é que em sekiro o tempo de resposta é muito mais rápido em dmc 5 então nem se fala, vc sente que mereceu ser acertado vc sente que teve chance de acertar e errou o timing, nesse aqui o jogo é tão truncado que vc fica na dúvida se foi culpa do jogo ou sua. Sistema de esquiva é meio podre também ao invés de manter o rolamento o personagem da uns pulinhos quando vc locka no inimigo e n fica muito claro a mecânica de frames de invencibilidade no rolamento, deixando a experiência mais frustrante ainda.

Volto aqui a comparação a dmc 5 muito por causa da opção do braço mecânico, essa também n é nova e é uma ideia muito melhor executada no outro jogo, aqui vc fica com poucos braços demora muito pra desbloquear os outros e como o equipamento pra melhorar é escasso te incentiva a escolher 1 e ficar com ele o jogo todo, o que no meu ponto de vista pra um jogo com tantos problemas ficar bloqueando diversidade de gameplay n é uma boa ideia.

O jogo também se estende mais que o necessário, apesar de nas fases iniciais vc sentir a vibe de ok vou matar todos os inimigos e pegar os itens do cenário, pouca variedade de inimigos vai te matando e a maioria dos itens que vc pega pelo mundo n são úteis são mil itens repetidos de aumentar status de arma, podia ter imitado dark souls e dar itens diferenciados no mapa e itens recorrentes como de upar arma faz dropar de inimigos logo.

Dificuldade em um jogo como esse é difícil acertar, aqui não foi diferente erraram e erraram feio, sem brincadeira tirando a Laxasia, até ela n te leva muito mais que duas tentativas pra matar um chefe, talvez no rei vc morra um pouco mais umas 3 vezes e do nada na boss fight ta laxasia eles decidem usar alguma mecânica de resistência a debuff e um moveset diferente, lembrando aqui que diferente na segunda fase com os teleportes, pq ficar fazendo inimigos ficar em câmera lenta antes de um golpe pra depois soltar ele com todo o impacto igual acontece em muitos chefes, inclusive na primeira fase da lasaxia é uma merda, é um jeito barato de adicionar dificuldade mas deixa a boss fight estranha, tira imersão e acima de tudo faz não parecer justo pro jogador. Vou além parafraseando um amigo meu que fez uma review aqui "Dificuldade é muito mais do que apenas colocar pouco dano no personagem principal e muita vida nos inimigos".

Alguns pormenores que me tiraram do jogo foi a constante teleportada que vc tem que ficar dando lá pro hotel pra ficar subindo de nível, repito e n é só pra esse jogo n precisa fazer isso coloca a mulher nas bonfire igual em elden ring pra n quebrar o ritmo do gameplay, quando vc faz ter que ficar voltando toda hora o gameplay fica picado toda hora vc volta sai da imersão e fica fazendo management de inventário, e jogando eu n quero passar tempo em menu eu quero passar meu tempo jogando, parece tão óbvio mas pelo visto pra quem criou o jogo n é pq dai ele me ofende COLOCANDO A OPÇÃO DE SUBIR DE NIVEL NA BONFIRE no final do jogo, pq mano? Ce é burro pq que n tava lá ai vc fazia a sophia aparecer no local, n da esse jogo sério.

E aqui vai a ofensa final que esse jogo fez com minha pessoa. No final do jogo escolhi dar meu coração pro Geppetto e no detalhe o personagem não da indício algum de ser mal até que o penúltimo boss fala pra tomar cuidado com ele, dai no nada ele é mal KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
Esse jogo é uma piada sério, e sabe qual foi a piada de mal gosto eu lendo na internet que só quando vc recusa vc tem o direito de lutar contra o verdadeiro último chefe, então minha última luta foi contra o Simon Manus que inclusive é mais fácil que a luta contra a Laxasia e nada memorável. Mas pior ainda é a luta final contra o nameless puppet, outro chefe com design bosta igual todos, inclusive tem um boss no jogo que é igual o bane mas fodasse, o chefe final é chato é uma esponja de dano pra dar tempo de vc ficar cansado e errar e morrer e ter que começar tudo dnv. PODRE PODRE não recomendo pra ninguém essa merda.

People who play this are probably fueled by nostalgia, like me!

There's been a couple of "Microvolts Revival Projects" (games that simply rerelease the dead game for a while) and this seems to be the latest one. This one's currently available for free on Steam, but there is the RT (paid currency) system like before.

I'd rate this game 6/5 if I could. It's such a fantastic game to play, and nothing comes close to the 'feel' of this game. The closest I had was zero-build Fortnite, and that's an entirely different experience.
The characters are cute and funny, there's decent weapon variety and there's very fun and creative maps.

...so, why the 3 stars?
It's because of the current iteration of the game, with its current developers. Unlike the other Microvolts revival projects, this one actually features pretty major gameplay changes. Weapon rebalancing, MP/RT costs and rewards, revamped upgrading system, and some minor things too.
In my opinion, these changes are actively taking away some of the fun. Let's start from the top - weapon rebalance.
Weapon rebalance sounds good, right? In the original MicroVolts, people usually ran the same loadout since there were pretty clear winnners and losers. In this iteration of MicroVolts, they opted for a 'A/B/C/D' solution. In the original game, there were 3-4 different 'archetypes' of every weapon type. For example, rifles: 'Pepper' was the prefered choice, boasting high fire-rate, decent accuracy and a big mag size(clip?), but it dealt the least damage. On the other end is the 'Sherlock' rifle, dealing high damage per shot and being much more accurate, but losing out on fire-rate and mag size. Then there was the third option, 'Hornet', which attempted to be a mixture of the two, but ultimately worse than both.
In the new iteration, all weapons have the 3-4 archetypes built in. You can have a Pepper (A) which acts exactly like the old school Pepper, or Pepper (B) which acts like the Sherlock, or Pepper (C) which acts like the hornet. (I don't remember the letters for every archetype, just pretend I'm right.)
This leads to an interesting scenario: weapons don't matter, their archetype does. Which weapon you pick is cosmetic, the only thing that matters is type.
Since the game allows you to purchase basic starter weapons right at the start, there actually is no reason to buy anything else. A 100 mp Cricket (A) will perform the exact same as a weapon 100x the cost, or even costing real money. They function the exact same.
This causes a scenario where no purchases matter, since everything is basically unlocked at level 5 (20 minutes of play) and you have the exact same weapons as someone with 200 hours into the game. This sounds like a good thing, but this is problematic because there's no reason to actually play the game besides for fun.
One of the big reasons I quit playing Overwatch 2 is because there was absolutely nothing to play for. No progression, no levels, nothing. You just play because you enjoy playing, which I wasn't in OW2. MicroVolts has this exact same problem now.

There also used to be 'special/hyper' weapons back in the day. Most noteably are the God weapons and the Military weapons: The God Weapons were extremely expensive and very overpowered, giving the game the fabled 'P2W' label. And the Military weapons were extremely unique, such as the AK Rifle having ABSURD damage, but also ABSURD recoil, making it hard to actually hit. This went for every weapon in this set, making them extremely unique. These weapons no longer exist, which is a good thing for the God Weapons since they were just the standard ones with insane stats, but the military weapons were actually incredibly fun to play with and would incentivise playing the game a bit differently.
The devs seem very stuck on 'nothing must be OP, so everything must be the same', which gets boring quick.
MP/RT costs ties into this. Both are currencies - one is earned from levelling up, the other from spending money. But what is the point? Nothing you buy matters.
Though it doesn't matter, I should mention that MP can only be earned on level up. Previously you'd get it from every match you play. This change is...stupid? Yeah.
The only reason to spend MP/RT is for cosmetics. Since MP is so limited, you're probably spending real money if you want cosmetics. 95% of the cosmetics are behind a gacha system which cost somewhere between 50 cents to 2.50 to roll, once. You could very easily spend 100 bucks and not get what you want - no pity system either, just bad luck!
Also, buying RT is pretty expensive. They introduced this 'pass', you log in every day to get a small amount of RT, which should profit you if you log in daily. The amount you get is very very low and you don't profit very much. You also don't get rewarded too much for spending a lot at once, like you would in other games. The 100 dollar bulk option is basically the same as buying the 20 dollar item 5 times, which isn't how it works in most games.

My final gripe is actually the biggest one, the upgrade revamp: with the current upgrade system, you simply pick 1 stat and it upgrades it a lot. For example, you can upgrade the Pepper (a) with more Power. It now deals more damage.
In the original game, upgrades were done in levels - there are 9 of them. You select a stat you want to upgrade, and have to upgrade it 9 times for the biggest upgrades. A cool feature about this is that your weapon would change with levels. The weapon's model will change colour, the bullets will change colour and leave behind a nice colour trail, and at max level the weapons will even have a pretty glow when held.
This alone made upgrading worth it back in the day - it looked cool!
Needless to say, this doesn't exist in the current iteration. You can't tell if your opponent upgraded their weapon, or what upgrade they picked.

This game unfortunately needs to undo the reworks they did for people like me to start playing it again, or it will struggle to keep the playerbase engaged. There needs to be a reason to play, something to work towards.
The reworks made the game more balanced and easier to get the best weapon, but I don't think people will play for longer than 1 day.

Also please add the RIO441. I need my baby back, I love that weapon. And please don't forget its authentic heart-attack-inducing SFX.

Sorry for the long read! I love you mwah mwah! <3

literally gave up on the first boss fight 😭