December, 2023


0h 20m


too much talking!! let me dress her up in cute shit already ffs!!


0h 30m


INSANE PRESENTATION. ost is hard as fuck what the hell



1h 55m

finally got into leon karnak and completed the first(?) arc 🥳


1h 11m

i feel like im going to have a hard time with getting the events but i think i can save scum it .??? that's what i did to get arthur to date me on friendship lv7 anyway lol


0h 30m

picked up a copy at the thrift and its entertaining to me idk i have fondness towards these nothingburger math exercises .. i spent a lot of time on them when i was a kid lol. freak
like, i still had my old eu cartridge and shit on there is from 2009 ......... damn!

1h 35m

marriage event pls... i have a big bed.... (invitingly)


2h 0m

stupid fucking knight boss what the fuck

November, 2023



1h 0m

fucking hana on windy hill man



1h 21m

died 2 unnecessary times to the ogre (went back and did it) and then 3 times to the fucking car cause even though obviously you gotta kill the driver my dumbass kept standing in the same spot he swerves into and only realized a million years later why fucking dumbass


0h 45m

the fucked up little human bastards red has for like half siblings or clone siblings or whatever the hell r so funny cus i dont really care about them

the concept of their twin(?) mechs is cool though i think



1h 31m

ashley 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 sooooooooo cute


0h 30m

halloween door damn they have that shit on


2h 30m

i got that accursed vishnal town event omfg


3h 46m

me when arthur tell me to do something


1h 50m

been getting increasingly more stressed out over the fact that once upon a time i had this game and had decided that i was completely uninterested in it. swear i saw it as something else but I don't know what. like literally associated it to another game franchise. not sure
character writing is so peak. it makes me so happy to go into arthur's room with him in there and find the cover you buy for him after a date on a new notepad that he tells you he uses for special personal matters. what the fuck. the way that simple interaction touches on like four different bastions of that character . i died
also. some dialogue and dialogue selections especially are so fucking funny and not serious. there's an interaction with porcoline where he asks you if you want to date him or something and you only get to yell shit like OH MY GOD YES or OH MY GOD NO and i woulda said yes if it wouldn't have felt terribly inappropriate to do so in front of the boyfriend. love a game that likes being silly and it's actually effective


1h 35m

i already had read them but man is the inclusion of the illustration contest winners so freaking sweet. the little dialogue characters give regardless of what game they're from is soooo cute



0h 35m





0h 50m

would be the perfect game if most clothes weren't kinda glued to the model's body shape . i don't like it on various levels so i usually just dress up as an oc instead

2h 0m

fuck shadow yukiko ong my stubborn refusal to grind a little made me have to retry five times abd i still didnt beat her smh my head


completed minato and keito paths so... demo done
really liked minato's and i defo have a lot of thoughts. they make me very very sad. that downhill progression makes me feel kinda sick for them and i dont want to get it worse orz
keito's path was interesting although i actually reveled in how much of ryou there was lol. kinda worried about his sister though ??????
still. man i definitely need to get this game. i just need to know how all of this is expanded upon but it's crazy how relatively satisfactory the way this demo concludes is (to me?) in the individual character paths AND epilogue i mean
bone chill. i looooooove kokoro ten's art man
loved all of lemures blue's but really the wide and expressive variety of expressions in sprites is amazing and defo an evolution
cgs are such a freaking treat and honestly my reason number 2 i want to play through it all!!!!


1h 0m

this tartarus shit easy

October, 2023


im not going to lie the art direction is kind of breathtaking for a mobile gacha like this. other than the synopsis which actually seems(?) fresh so far + the concept of the characters being dubbed by vas worldwide (which i'm pretty sure is the reason why we're all here anyway) makes it promising for what it is ! i can envision myself never touching it ever again after the fifth login though lol
im not super crazies about mobages but i just respect it anyway
(i think i just wanted to pull the nonbinary bitch)

2h 15m

leon detonate the yass flare


0h 45m

cleaned up some bunch of quests i had to do. i really dont wanna have to keep on fishing so much to unlock all the library stuff but... well

3h 48m


very fun.


if i lived in that dorm i think i'd always be hanging out in that little area by the rooftop floor on the fourth floor. super underrated and looks cozy as hell. perfect place to listen to music and draw in