backlog vip

trying a small list (or series of lists i guess) of games i plan to or really ought get to soon as i can, with excuses/reasoning, to actually get myself to play them. first 5 are big hitters i wanna play asap or would if i had the chance, second 5 are ones i want to return to, third 5 are brand new ones to try (or at least new enough to me bc i dont remember what happened from last time i tried them), fourth 5 are "fuck it ill just watch/read an lp or something most likely". keeping this small so i dont feel overwhelmed and will keep in mind which ones are most important to get to first

Little King's Story
Little King's Story
the only yoshiro kimura directed game i havent played much of bc the pc port is penish but maybe someday if i can find something to run dolphin
UFO: A Day in the Life
UFO: A Day in the Life
im probably gonna have to learn japanese for this (its all kana with no kanji but theres a lot of slang, i hear) but before that please. somebody just translate the text and put it online. i dont even need a patch at this point im just praying for something like the giftpia translation on kirameki's site at this point
Shadow of Memories
Shadow of Memories
looks so fucking cool
Hello Charlotte Ep.1: Junk Food, Gods and Teddy Bears
Hello Charlotte Ep.1: Junk Food, Gods and Teddy Bears
standing in for hello charlotte as a whole, also mr rainer's solve it service?
goo goo gaa gaa baby first non-black bird shmup
A Mind Forever Voyaging
A Mind Forever Voyaging
a fav that i am overdue for a more thorough replay
Shenmue I & II
Shenmue I & II
loved it as far as i got and wanna get back into it
Knytt Underground
Knytt Underground
good turn my brain off n jump n climb n chill experience that i need to remember to play now and again
Rain World
Rain World
loved this and played pretty far but got to a point where i banged my head against the wall dying like 30 times doing something dumb and got pissed and gave up. should play this smarter next time, whenever that will be (probably not that soon but i want to keep this here as a reminder to myself)
tried it while high and it was a nightmare. will redo it sober
The friends of Ringo Ishikawa
The friends of Ringo Ishikawa
i really liked arrest of a stone buddha so ill give this a shot
Chrono Trigger
Chrono Trigger
goo goo gaa gaa baby first non-earthbound jrpg (maybe ill just try chrono cross tho)
didnt like dujanah that much but jack king spooner deserves a second chance
Counterfeit Monkey
Counterfeit Monkey
meaning to try something by emily short and wanted to start w this one, got distracted by something when i wasnt very far in
80 Days
80 Days
might save this for when im travelling, like on a plane or a road trip
The Idolmaster SP
The Idolmaster SP
wanna see chihaya yukiho and makoto routes so it will probably be here forever lol
The Idolmaster: One For All
The Idolmaster: One For All
i cant run it anytime soon ;_;
Umineko no Naku Koro ni
Umineko no Naku Koro ni
im the slowest reader on earth
Anata o Yurusanai
Anata o Yurusanai
hesitating to catch up to the something awful thread that's live translating this bc i dont want to be in suspense....
Twilight Syndrome Tansaku-hen
Twilight Syndrome Tansaku-hen
why not


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