One of the best thing I ever did was conning my mates into getting this and spending hours teaching them how to play. Which is funny because this is by FAR no where near a perfect game, it has so many stupid things that happen in it it makes you want to scream sometimes. Paradox have added some DUMBASS SHIT to this game and its probably worse than when i first started playing lol. BUT I could still play this till the end of my days. Why? cos the feeling of getting encirclements and annexing countries. That shit is better than cocaine.

The best AAA game to come out in the lat 5 years, since God of War. Something to finally sink your teeth into and just get lost in its brilliance. None of the issues that plague modern games now. It isnt half finished and yet takes up 150GB on your console, its not riddled with bugs, its not full of micro transactions, It's just the perfect example of what modern games can be. Beautiful graphics, riveting story, fun and challanging combat, great world, a decent multiplayer where the servers work. You can just go on and on.

This is the best fallout game. I'm not afraid to say it. Yes I can hear all your arguments that 3 and NV are better and you're probably right, but I counter with this: preston garvey has another settlement that needs my help, and god damn it imma help him. Also I think I actually fell in love with cait. Also power armour fucking rules in this one, and if you know me you know I love anything to do with a mechanized war machine tearing shit up.

The GOAT COD for me.

its not the universal favourite, that would be its older brother, but god I loved this game so much. The campaign had the climax, co op spec ops mode was a blast, and well the multiplayer enslaved me and stole thousands of hours of my teenage life. The maps were awesome, the guns were awesome, being prestiage meant something cos you had to get to level 80. It was just imo perfect, exactly what a COD needs to be. The crown jewel in that golden era.

I think I've completed this game well over 10 times throughout the years. It just has a stangehold on me bro i love it so much for some reason. One of the very few old games I can go back and enjoy just as much as I did when I first played it.

This game looks absolutely fantastic, the mechanics and customazation of the car set ups it brilliant. The car catalogue is huge, so as a sim its awesome. But for me it just gets let down for me with the campaign model, I've played over 10 hours of this now and I'm still doing shitty 2 lap races starting at the back, meaning I need a car 10x faster than the AI to fly past them all in the 2 laps of racing. It's difficult to find the motivation to go on when all the races are blending into the same.

I understand this is probably a big multiplayer game, but I won't be indulging cos online racing is the most rage inducing cancerous form of online play you experience and I like my controllers not broken

As an RPG its pretty mid, the story is a bit bland and there's a lot of repetitiveness in the combat. You can't really customise your character and the side characters are pretty cringe. But as a game for a harry potter fan to just load in and explore it's absolutely fantastic. You can do ALMOST everything (add fucking quiditch to the game you dogs), and there is so much lore to get around. It's definitely a recommend for anyone who is a fan of HP

Unpopular opinion I know, but I prefer the first one, there's just something about this one with the story that doesnt captivate me in the same way, and honestly i fucking hate the puzzles and platforming side of it. I just want to load in and blitz through, killing hella demons.


You cant really go wrong with this bad boy, You load in, absolutely obliterate demons with all kinda firepower and some some beast metal in the background. The story carries itself enough that you can easily be intrigued. It's simple and fun.

It fucking sucks, there is nothing else to say

the one that started it all, not my first one i played, but had a lot of fun on this in year 7 playing LAN with the fellas in class

the greatest game ever made.