28 Reviews liked by lyeluci

I'm a pretty big fan of the show so I wanted to give this a shot, I think Adventure Time's worldbuilding lends itself well to videogames but has strangely not really had any particular breakout games. Pirates of the Enchiridion is a cute little game with fun, if simple, combat. The cutscenes are cute but there are so few and the game is often completely silent which is bizarre, it kind of feels incomplete and the game just...stops. If you are a fan of the show and want to waste an afternoon in Ooo then pick it up on a sale.

i sat and played the entire game in one, 12 hour sitting because i just could not bear to put it down. one of the most interesting and enticing puzzle games ive played perhaps ever. i hardly have more to say about it, an utterly fantastic game.

really good they dont really explain how to do attacks but once u learn how to its so good one of my favorite rhythm games

really fun rougelite lots to do and very fun builds to play with!

got robbed and lost it. not the games fault



my wife and a friend of mine begged me to play this and I fell utterly in love.
while playing, I would get very nervous without yorda by my side and I felt very endeared towards her and ico's relationship throughout the experience. it was a game that made me want to really pick up painting again, a game that begets making

This is not a game for me. I am not a challenge hungry boss killer. Stranger of Paradise still delivers a killer experience with very fun co-op gameplay and a digestible quick-and-easy map and challenge structure that pushed me to get better and better at the game. Unfortunately, I never did, but I still enjoyed every part of the experience and story.

longtime ladyHeads might know that tokyo jungle is a constant for people visiting or coming over. I love the survival mode's challenge, and how it keeps me and whoever I'm playing with on the edge of our seats as we have to strategically plan out our routes for challenge completion.
I love the way the game looks, almost like a high-detail pop up book, and the music controls tension so well.

fantastic little game

OH and there's a story mode I havent even gotten into that much!

I got lucky and managed to find a cheap copy with a small smattering of monitos. I played it with the intent to play the Star Fox missions, but became discouraged as soon as the game's outrageously dull open world opened up. The game is chock full of the same kinds of tasks on a variety of planets that all feel the same.

The toys are cool, though.

Incredible game with a strong emotional core. I felt gripped almost instantly and played it at the best, or maybe worst, possible time to play it

I played this game alongside all of the DLC, making sure to do the homework associated. I watched the movie, anime, read the books.

I didn't like it.

Man I really don't even know what to say about this game, I play tons of games its my main hobby, and RPGs are my favorite and this might be one of the best I've ever played, the writing is fantastic (especially the character writing and voice acting performances) very fun and often funny and heartfelt in a way I rarely feel from RPGs lately. The towns and cities are full of life and unique culture and lots of things to do and people to talk too.

The combat is easy to pick up with a lot of depth for individual characters, groups and gear/materia combinations. It fixes all of my problems with XVI (no whimsy, no real towns, no minigames, no life, weird misogyny, no party, stale combat) and then some, I was worried I no longer liked Final Fantasy but its really just whatever CBU3 is..trying to do. It's fun, its heartfelt, it isnt afraid to be both a love letter to the original and something entirely new, its just refreshing while still being nostalgic and familiar. My ONLY complaints about the game are: a 4k, 45 fps mode would do wonders, performance mode feels great but sacrifices a ton of visual fidelity and quality mode looks great but 30fps feels awful in the combat. There are a small handful of minigames that are kinda bad, i think most of them are at least decent and more that are actually good, there's one in particular that verges on being an accessibility issue that I could see preventing some people from 100%ing the game. And my final complaint is that it ended, even after 99 hours I was not ready to let go of this world and characters, I'm so excited to get back into the post-game content and hard mode that I'm struggling to even pay attention to other releases right now. This review might not mean anything to most people but after a lot of disappointment thank you Rebirth for making me remember why I love Final Fantasy and making me feel like I can love it again.

The new roguelike mechanics are extremely fun and addictive and I really hope they flesh them out in a future entry. I like to keep my reviews spoiler-free so I'll just say: the only real failure with this dlc is the plot. Its not bad, its very good actually! Its just there is so little of it. I know to some that may sound strange but Splatoon fans really love the lore and character writing, its honestly some of nintendo's best (the cutscene direction is also not praised enough its great) but yeah I dont know I really enjoy the gameplay portion of it but I wish it was more especially with how long this took to come out. People talked and still talk excitedly about Octo Expansion and I don't know if this one has that kinda conversational staying power. Really hope they do more story stuff in the next game.

I enjoyed my time with this little game. I i enjoyed the graphics, the art, animation and UI a lot, as they all worked well together. I personally liked the voice acting as well. The story wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but fits well within the genre, and is typically sweet. It's exactly what you expect on the tin and that's ok! if that's what you're looking for: you've found it. happy yuri.

Honestly I'm a bit mixed on this one. I see a lot of complaints about it being unsubtle but for the subject matter that is appropriate, not to mention in classic Silent Hill titles the main themes are rarely subtle (have you ever read the grafitti all over Silent Hill 2?) its more secondary themes and symbolism that are what give the series such a strong identity with subtlety. That being said I do have some issues with The Short Message, the biggest one is of course the final chase sequence which is structured like a cheap steam Collect The Pages Before The Instakill Monster Grabs You game, its just not very fun or interesting and it kills the tension. The other main gripe is that I wish I could play in whatever the original language was. The dubbing and lipsync are really, really distracting. For a longtime Silent Hill fan though this was a step in the right direction especially art and design-wise it just stumbles a lot on the way.