Played this taking 1h turns sharing the PC with my lil brother. He was way better than me. I was shocked when found while on a trip at KR that it was still successful/remembered there.

I was obsessed with this one. My god, the memories. Competing with friends for every minimal growth in skill.

The filler arc before return to Konoha was awesome. It was a fun 3D beat em up of only Naruto. Loved it so much. The atmosphere was really good too.

Games like this where whole urban legends in primary school.

Could never finish this one as I played on my cousin's PC when she was not listening to Avril Lavigne or Backstreet Boys.

Played this before it's predecessor. I understood almost nothing but was mindblowing. Awesome game. Enjoyed every bit of it.

A friend of mine lend me this game to play with other friends. Our families were too close at the time and I got to hold to this for long periods of time. I even got to erase previous save files and play it on my own. Filled the pokedex a couple of times. Tackled the mew urban legends in every possible way. In the end our families lost touch and I got to keep this game and his family got to keep a couple of really expensive towels/bath robes.

Definition of masterpiece. A game that expands on every possible way as an experience.
From setting the tone and loneliness to being epic / really difficult to process once you understand what's going on.


Played Osu! after watching K-ON! anime. Loved playing those songs but got to know music I grew fond to in the online mode.
I suck though.

A gameboy advance fell in my hands as soon as ~ 2005. My uncles brought it from China to Argentina. With it it came Naruto: Ninja Council game cartridge with it's colourful orange sticker. There was only one problem, it was all in japanese. As a kid I learned but EVERY option was for. Even deleting my own save files. But I know this game like the palm of my hands. I remember playing it in primary school so many times before knowing it had an Anime. Naruto shouted his name... but the other characters where:
the blue one, the girl, the masked one, Gaara was the honey one. What a blast.

I thought I would just pay its price once it got out just because everyone else was playing it. It proved to be right since when I tried it. Couldn't get to enjoy.

Played this on PC. I got a friend that even made his own comics on Worms World Party.

Bought this because I'm a huge card game fan. Yet it's just an RPG with a tabletop RPG/Card Boardgame skin. Nothing has to do with cards as far as I know.

The World Ends with You hits home in my case: I used to seclude myself up
The game is about life&death, but the setting is a character itself. Shibuya feels alive in this game. People walking in the streets feel real. What is happening is as important as who are happening during the game's plot.
The music feels like coming from the streets rather than an MP3. And the gameplay is between a hack&slash, bullet hell and deck building.
Farming & grinding is funny too. And the game's mechanics can be easy to pick up and have a lot of depth at the same time.

Really loved this game. I'm not a horror games' person and I don't usually get scared. Being in a cave without lights... man, that's not something I would like to experience. This game made me understand claustrophobia.