Hated this game. I don't understand the fun. Sorry :'(

Loved mobility and fast pacing gameplay. Lacked on the friends department.

Loved that the different classes took a turn in the turn based mechanics that are refreshing. They are not only the typical elemental stregth/weakness.

This game was truly special for me. The whole subject 16 stuff was really intriguing. I never go to play AC I, so this was the intro to the saga for me and I'm happy for that. I remember winning this game in only 3 days. On the third day I felt almost numb from reality. Playing in a dark room at night trying to find all glyphs and solving subject 16 related puzzles.

It plays like Yugioh! Your turn plays relate to amount of cards in hand and are constrained by a once per turn action (normal summon). But with cards effects you can get to extend your plays almost going through you whole deck.
Learning to keep track of value is also easy as it already keeps tracks of the points of each player. It almost feels like resource racing too.

This game has it's depth. It's definetly not one of the hardest to play MOBAs, but the genre itself has it's own difficulty curve.
For anyone wanting to join, really only consider it if you will invest time.
The game survives only because of long committed players that are not willing to jump to other MMO / single player games.

Re-played this in 2024 in an iPad. Game went incredible smooth. Remembered almost nothing from my original playthrough back when it released.
The game it’s a somehow classic turn based JRPG. It contains an awkward pseudo-gacha system but completely free! Experience is random pulls dependent but this can be bypassed loading a save and opening pulls again which is recommended to make it less grindy.
Versus previous Chaos Rings games the story in this one seems a bit childish, yet I would say it’s not the plot but the narrative (as characters are all teens). The story is in theme and contents as enjoyable as the previous ones.
Once I finished I wanted to explore more post-game content, yet the iPad was a little bit heavy. Decided to replay it all in my rusty PS Vita… so I hope this says how much I enjoyed the game.

Really nice game pace. It's adictive though.