Great story, good ”continuation” after Red Dead Redemption 2. Enjoyed the more streamlined experience of the old game desing. The open world and the mechanics did not feel overwhelming. Some weird bugs here and there and clunky gameplay compared to modern titles or games from the same era, such as Uncharted, but definitely still worth a play in 2024. Though, would highly recommend to play it on a platform which supports the 60fps mode. Would not enjoy this in 30fps. Upscaled graphics of the PS4 version on PS5 look surprisingly good, even though the textures and models do show their age at this point. Easy to see why this game is so beloved, especially closer to its original release.

Not for me. General fan of platformers but this did not feel good to me. Platforming does not feel sharp and don't like how the jumps and progression is tied to the use of the enemies. Recognizing that as a 28M I'm probably not part of the target audience, as I have not played the original(s) much. Probably a good game for a younger audience, getting into video games.
Played the first game about halfway through.

+ Gameplay
+ Decent story
+ Graphics, atmosphere
+ (Personally) Casual enough, easy to pick up and play
- Possibly shallow for more hardcore fans
(Played approximately one year after launch, during season 4 when the looting was reworked, massively improved compared to the launch version)

+ Gameplay
+ Graphics
+ Theme, atmosphere
+ Community
- Anti-consumer practices by Sony
- Shady anti-cheat on PC
- Empty feeling progression

+ Decent story, good laughs, over the top in a good way
+ Graphics
+ Sharp gameplay

+ Arcadey, easy to pick up and play
+ Old School Call of Duty mechanics
- somewhat rubbery / clunky feeling
- questionable balancing
- punchless gunplay
- another Battle Pass grindfest, not willing to spend the money and time
- can't see lasting very long

May revisit in the future.

+ Solid gameplay
+ Great performance
+ Style
- Grind / Progression not for me

Rest in peace, Kevin Conroy.