I don't know where to begin or end here. Pokemon Crystal is probably the best atmosphere I've seen in any videogame, and this is a Game Boy Color game. Pokemon gameplay isn't really deep, but teambuilding is super fun, and this is the most consistently good set of new Pokemon added. I highly recommend playing on a handheld.

Probably the best of the Danganronpa trilogy. Very surprisingly good plot twists. Even if you don't think you'll ever play this, avoid spoilers for it no matter what. Investigations were kinda a slog, but it was legitimately great.

Alright game on its own, possibly the best roguelike, period with mods. Monsoon/hard-mode is pretty bullet-spongy bullshit, tho.

This game to me is so wonderful, the combat is so satisfying to pull off and can actually be rather hard at times. The curveballs that the game throws at you with the different things in each dungeon, with each new enemy type. All the designs are endearing, what little story there is charming. If you played Pikmin 1 and especially enjoyed the combat, you'll love this game.