30 reviews liked by mannypardo

Beautiful and mechanically frustrating beyond articulation.

Dizem que o melhor Dark Souls é aquele que você joga primeiro.

Comigo não deu tão certo assim. Talvez esse fosse o melhor Dark Souls, se não estivesse desesperadamente tentando ser o primeiro.

Não é atoa que DS2 é mais importante para os jogos posteriores da FROM do que esse aqui jamais será.

This game made me fear BPD women in the same way my nephew is scared that a man head is going to pop out of the toilet.

bringing the .500 nitro express pistol with me, every time I get match on a online dating app that states her favorite game is drakengard 3

I played this game on a private server with friends in high school. I really liked the pyro player in it. We're engaged now.

This review was written before the game released

ate too fast now i gotta take an atomic shart

another day volunteering at the russian-government funded bioshock museum. everyone keeps asking me if they can fuck the fridge. buddy, they wont even let me fuck it