274 Reviews liked by manwhospksinhnds

How many times can this company drop the ball

I think this game was $2 for a reason and not a good one

Flo Rida (Florian) needs to stop talking, stop twerking, and stop tbreathing

Why did the app ask to make phone calls as soon as I opened it what were they planning

I hope ArcSys gets bought by Epic Games and the remaining devs have to work on anime Fortnite pvp box fight maps for the rest of time

Sonon is so cool until he's a plot device

this game was way too hard for me, because i never played bullet hells before this, but at least the characters are fun and lovable, and the music rocks. i love papyrus

This game legitimately changed my life. No irony. It's one of the most impactful pieces of fiction I've consumed, and I'm happy to spend more and more money on it on more and more platforms. The story is heartfelt, characters are nigh-flawless, there is no bad music track in the game, the dialogue is hilarious and moving, the puzzles have engaging aspects, the gameplay is unique and intuitively fun.... an extremely special game to me. I would give it a 10/5 if I could.

Let's go golfing! (Kuma's Version)

This is the best Pokemon game that has been made in over a decade, many will see it as a technical failure but the "bugs" are either minor inconveniences or hilarious moments.

Baxcalibur carries

Can't wait for ILCA to ruin this

After this new playthrough of Mario Odyssey, I am even more confident than ever that this is my favourite game ever made. There hasn't been so much joy, inventiveness, wonder, and magic put into any game before and since. I was initially a bit worried if this game was gonna hold up to the standard I set it to after my first playthrough years ago but as soon as the game started and I had reached the fossil falls with that sweeping score and beautiful vistas, that worry melted away. I wholly recommend Super Mario Odyssey if you are one of the 2 people who have never played it before and I can't wait to see what comes next for the 3D Super Mario franchise.

i got chased by two big dragon balls, I liked this