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1 day ago

Mykurr is now playing Sonic Frontiers

2 days ago

Mykurr finished Super Mario Bros.
The game is actually still pretty fun. Although it reuses the same backgrounds and assets, each world feels surprisingly distinct from one another with the different level gimmicks and enemies you encounter. I’m not sure whether or not being able to go back was a technological issue or intentional, but it actually does add more to the challenge of the game in only being able to platform your way up instead of being able to readjust your position from far back. Despite being an old ass game, it also never feels punishing or unfair with most of the obstacles scaling really well to the progress being made with a really forgiving difficulty curve. Even though it's already a must-play just for its historical value alone, there’s also a lot to have fun with being a mostly solid video game that I could totally see being well-regarded if it just came out today.

2 days ago

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7 days ago

7 days ago

7 days ago

Mykurr reviewed AM2R: Return of Samus
Another great metroid entry.

This really helped solidify my love for this series. Just like Metroid Zero Mission, I’m constantly impressed by the immaculate presentation in creating that perfect atmosphere to engross myself in. The fact that its a fan-game trying to capture the feel of it really makes it special and I have to give props to them for making everything feel so faithful as essentially a sequel to Zero Mission. Apparently there’s more story in this one which makes for some nice spectacle though I don’t really pay attention to it. The range of new powers is also great as each of them feels like it adds another layer to the exploration which is what makes these Metroid games so fun to go through. Gonna keep further peeping into the series.

8 days ago

Mykurr finished AM2R: Return of Samus
Another great metroid entry.

This really helped solidify my love for this series. Just like Metroid Zero Mission, I’m constantly impressed by the immaculate presentation in creating that perfect atmosphere to engross myself in. The fact that its a fan-game trying to capture the feel of it really makes it special and I have to give props to them for making everything feel so faithful as essentially a sequel to Zero Mission. Apparently there’s more story in this one which makes for some nice spectacle though I don’t really pay attention to it. The range of new powers is also great as each of them feels like it adds another layer to the exploration which is what makes these Metroid games so fun to go through. Gonna keep further peeping into the series.

8 days ago

Mykurr backloggd Ikaruga

9 days ago

9 days ago

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