Got bored playing solo but good couch co-op game.

Point and click adventure with different endings based on your answer to various scenarios. If you like this kind of game, give it a try.

Feels like a movie. Finished in under 3 hours I think. Good Game.

Don't trust the game title if you want to 100%. 🤣 Enjoyed it even if rushed play style

I'd give it a 5/5 since Hoyoverse is so generous this time. Hahaha. Pulled Seele (5-star limited banner character) on my 2nd pull. Enjoying the game so far. Different gameplay from Genshin Impact but its fun.

The end game credits is 5/5 🤣

Loved playing it with my nephew in local multiplayer. The story was short but i did enjoy it. Replayable since you can play with different characters. Overall, a great game to play with your family and friends.


Great puzzle platformer. Early levels are easy but when you get further in the game, it gets more difficult to solve. It is a fun and interesting game.

Great story. But exploration is not really my thing. Could have finished it in one sitting but I've got bored.

i loved this game. played this before playing part 1 and 2. will replay this once i finished bioshock 1 and 2 remastered.