a great way to play golf without leaving the house and making my wife angry.
it is ridiculously impressive how great of a job nintendo did with this game's motion controls considering that it came out the same year that cars did.
An absolute classic.

amazing. pure silly goofy fun. god bless XBLA and also rip XBLA

this game is absolutely fucking insane in all the best ways possible. you can become absurdly overpowered, more than you can in any game I've ever seen before, yet you can still get buttfucked by some dumbass lizard fucker.
the movement and combat are ridiculously fun, and the OST is god-tier to boot
i cannot stop playing this game. Help. it stimulates by little goblin game like no other, and the fact that it has online co-op is absolutely Bonkers. do yourself a favor and play risk of rain 2 (with a friend or three, perhaps)

i recommend this to anyone and everyone with a functioning pair of hands and 1-7 friends.
duck game is an absolute fucking masterpiece and the absolute pinnacle of multiplayer, party, couch fuck-op, etc. games in my beautiful green eyes--truly the best party game that not enough people have played.

its fast-paced and ridiculously funny. it's pretty easy to grasp the basics of and newbies can still have fun with long-time players. nothing gets me crying tears of laughter and yelling with/at my friends like this game does. 1 billion/5

this game really makes you look at the harambe drama a whole lot differently

this game is cheaper than 4 gumballs and is absolutely awesome

i see the appeal of this game and it did stimulate my little goblin brain during the short time that i played it but the only player input being WASD doesn't really do it for me. sorta feels like an idle game disguised as an action roguelike
oh well, off i go to play peggle

this game fucks. one-hit sword go weeeee Goblin Brain and the pixel art and the music and story awwwwwww man. play this one or ill make you eat a billion worms

my favorite game to play while watching tony soprano eat gabagool and make terrible life choices. also square enix published this

this game is so amazing that my nuts actually fell off while playing it. if you like to go fast–no–if you like good video games, play neon white.

my only gripes are that the writing was super cringe at times and that some of the later levels, especially/mainly the boss fights, were a bit tedious and slightly slowed down the fittingly wonderful lightning fast pacing of the game.
overall though, that's just a little tiny piss stain that easily and quickly dries up on this Pants of a game. masterpiece

the first half of this game is a blast but the difficulty spike in the middle of it made me drop it for a few months. i recently came back to it after a hot minute and yeah, the second half is super frustrating. the dungeon floors are often crammed with enemies to the point where i felt unnecessarily overwhelmed and the bosses are just Dumbfart

also, the combat feels really clunky at times and i think that could've been somewhat amended with the ability to remap controls. having to press spacebar to dodge roll feels super uncomfortable, even after almost 30 hours of playtime

despite these glaring flaws, i still love this game because the music, visuals, story, and characters are great. i love it! but i cant say i enjoyed it as much as i wish i could have

i loved to hate it and now i hate to love it. why is this game so fucking fun please god help me

the Light truly Died when i reached the ending cutscene and my game crashed and now i literally cannot play the game until this is fixed. anyways another W for poland

sorry ladies!! this gam eis DOO DOO!!!!