One of the worst cods imo

the beginning of the multi year slump that infinity ward entered

I loved this so much.

I love the show and I was delighted to play this and find a surprisingly well made RPG that translates the humor of the show wonderfully.

It's my favourite call of duty game.

My first one and it also introduced one of my favourite modes in all of gaming, cod zombies.

I love it to pieces, despite knowing there are better titles.

One of the most gorgeous games you'll ever play that will age like a fine wine.

It's also hard as nails while still being fair and insanely rewarding to overcome.

One of my favourite games in recent memory.

This was probably the best one.

When I was much younger this was my favourite game for a while (lmao..)

It was one of the first triple A games with a focus on moral choices. The combat and gameplay was intuitive and fun and the story was pretty decent.

This rating is mostly nostalgia tho.

Cashgrab that you can easily completely miss as it adds nothing of note to the story outside of a boss fight you can just watch online.

Do not pay £25 for this.

The best in the series, hands down.

The perfect balance between batshit crazy and genuinely good storytelling.

Fantastic and deceptively simple combat.

A wealth of worthwhile content.

They could've honestly ended it here if they wanted to.

Really wasn't worth the journey of playing all the previous games in my opinion.

A scattershot and (somehow) unearned finale coupled with terrible pacing ruined a lot of this for me.

But the level design is definitely the strongest in the series and it's one of the most visually impressive games I've ever played.

It's shit but we all love some good shit sometimes

Very disappointing as a massive fan of the first two. The story just wasn't that good, and the powers were underwhelming.

It was pretty at the time though.

The best DBZ game to date and it probably won't ever be topped.

It set the bar for anime games and no one seems interested in trying to steal the throne from arc system works.

I suck at fighting games and I still have an absolute blast with this.

Probably the best platforming game I've ever played. That's all I have to say.

This was my most played pokemon game and for that alone I bump it up more than it would probably be objectively deserving of.

I loved the mega evolutions, but little did I know how much they'd milk the idea in the future in various shapes and sizes.

I spent over 800 hours on wi-fi battles with this, it's hard to deny the staying power it had on me.

Most daring and innovate cod to date.

Multiple endings in the campaign with multiple factors dictating how the story plays out.

Many massive changes to zombies that didn't always pan out, but resulted in some of the most celebrated maps ever.

And the most competitively beloved and cohesive multiplayer in the series.

It's exciting that this is the supposed blueprint to the upcoming cold war.

Absolutely bonkers story that somehow works.

Gorgeous visuals.

Great characters.

My only complaint is the combat, the dragon engine combat kinda sucks.