My favourite in the series, worts and all.

I love the time limit mechanic, the awkward saving system and the insane difficulty.

It's a truly one of a kind game that I recommend to anyone, especially if you like the capcom games you've played.

Much better tone and attitude than the first game with a cast of likeable characters.

Shame its a Ubisoft game though, which means repetitive uninspired copy paste missions and game design.

A complicated and mature tale of adult romance.

Very questionable (at best) and problematic (at worst) portions aside this is a very unique game.

Worth checking out if you enjoy puzzle games or choice based visual novels.

This is when I realised Ubisoft is taking the piss.

It's the same game as Far Cry Primal, people just didn't play that so they can pass off the 'new' features in this one as new when they were introduced in primal.

It's repetitive and uninspired, the charismatic main villain trope of the series is getting bland now and it doesn't help that the father isn't very good.

The ending is.... pretty interesting though.

I'm one of the few that thinks this is the best of the new Wolfenstein games.

My favourite part of these reboots has been the deconstruction and subsequent rebuilding of BJ as this generic action hero into an empathic, vulnerable and intensely relatable character.

This game doubles down on adding layers upon layers to BJ - but it admittedly falters in almost every other aspect in comparison to the other reboot entries.

The story in this was very gripping and much more grounded that your usual yakuza affair.

The writing is air-tight and solid.

The combat is a huge improvement over Kiwami 2 (but the old combat is still better)

An absolutely superb action platform that has aged gracefully.

My favourite castlevania game, hands down.

I played this at a time that I was getting tired of Naughty Dogs approach to game making.

And this game didn't help those sour thoughts.

It's just more uncharted, plain and simple. for better or worse.

My feelings on this are very similar to GTA 3. But I prefer Vice City for the obvious reasons of the setting, soundtrack, characters and mission variety.

This is one of the most poorly aged games I've ever played.

But once I got used to it, I was teleported back to 2001 and I loved every second of it.

That initial hurdle of taming the aged mechanics will prove understandably too tall a task for most people.

This is my favourite entry in the series and the sims is one of my favourite franchises in gaming.

(PC obviously)

Everything this added to the formula enriched it to the point that trying to play any other mainline game since or before feels incredibly watered down.

open world



unparalleled item and clothing customization

the best expansions in the series

a pretty great sequel to one of my favourite capcom games. i just dont think about it as much as the original and the main character SUCKS

This has the best zombies mode in any call of duty with the inclusion of zombie chronicles.

The multiplayer is the best example of the booster pack era of cod games.

The campaign is fake deep doo doo tho.

Probably the best Mortal Kombat I've played.

Great story mode, best fatalities and at the time it was visually breathtaking.