I took a lot longer than I had any right to getting around to this, and it didn’t disappoint. The sheer amount of depth to the combat mechanics straight out of the gate is staggering, and the fact it keeps giving you more and more to play with is a spoil of riches. Witch time never gets old either. Only real issue is the pacing is a bit frustrating, too many cutscenes inbetween missions for a balls to the wall DMC-esque action game. If you like DMC this is a no brainer. It’s brilliant.

I honestly think this is great. The replayability is insane. Playing as impostor and trying to outsmart up to 9 other players is tense and engaging. Having to come up with the stupidest excuses in the world and then actually getting away with it is hilarious. I’ve had plenty of fun with this, and I really hope it’s more than a fad and blossoms into a much richer experience.

This is a close second to Wolfenstein 2 for me.

The gameplay and level design was so much fun - it's almost night and day in comparison to the other two in terms of gameplay.

But on every other front it falls short and I'm personally mainly drawn to the story side of things with these reboots.

It really hasn't aged that well in contrast to the later games.

But this game has one of the most intoxicatingly nostalgic games I've ever played, it just radiates emotional warmth.

One of many titles that are conceptually oozing with possibilities that Ubisoft decides to half bake.

One of the most interesting characters in assassins creed with genuinely understandable goals and ideals that make you question the assassins in an organic way.

But it's also a poor imitation of black flag that was relegated to last gen consoles with half the budget and quarter the marketing... in favour of unity :)

The graphics and lighting are absolutely jaw dropping but this game just didn't even slightly hit the same notes that 2033 did for me.

I can't really explain why, it just didn't gel with me.

The first chapter is pretty solid. Clem works infinitely better in a supporting role.


But it's so forgettable. I barely remember a thing that happened in this season, the new characters are fairly bland and uninspired - it doesn't help they're never seen again after this season either.

This borders on filler, unfortunately.

It's some good old cheesy resident evil fun.

The map is a bit overwhelming and it isn't innovative in the slightest, but if you crave some classic RE, you really can't go wrong with it.

I think this is better than stick of truth which I also love.

The combat is a million times more enjoyable and complex.

The superhero concept had a lot more arms and legs to work with than the lord of the rings concept in stick of truth because it was fleshed out more in the show.

I think this is undisputedly better, my only issues are the ending kinda sucks and it is a tiny bit too long.

The worst of the reboots.

The gameplay and graphics (somehow?) are massive downgrades from rise.

The story is literally just a retread of rise too, everything that is explored in this game was explored in rise - just not in such a melodramatic manner.

Disappointing finale to a decent string of games.

As someone whos favourite cod is WaW, I was really excited for this one.

In the end, it was... okay.

Probably the worst old school resident evil.

admirable ideas, but it just fails to execute them in a cohesive or enjoyable way which results in a lot of tedium and frustration.

This is up there with black ops 3 as the best call of duty this generation. Hopefully infinity ward has fully recovered from the slump they entered and continue this success with their next installment.

A comfy appropriately janky post apocalyptic survival horror game that's overflowing with a brooding and unsettling atmosphere.

Recommended if you like Fallout or any of the RE games.