9 Reviews liked by maverickx70

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"Hey guys let's go put 100 billion yen on top of the Millennium Tower then beat up anyone that tries to get it while wearing matching suits."

One of the most charming, heartfelt, and emotionally resonant games I've ever played. The humor has aged extremely well and the characters are all delightful. The writing is masterful and runs the whole spectrum of emotion effortlessly. The multiple endings add replay value and basically every aspect of the gameplay exists to serve the narrative. Without question one of the greatest games I've ever played and truly deserving of the title of masterpiece.

One of the best Pokémon games out there. I think these remakes really demonstrate how solid the core game design of the originals was, even though they're borderline unplayable by modern standards. It's weird to see debates about non-linearity in pokemon considering how cleanly they worked it into the very first games. The game is really open and the majority of the map can be accessed with just a few badges. This allows for a lot of replay value and flexibility in team building, while still having a competent level curve to provide some good challenge. A surprisingly polished game that still stands as one of the best in the series.

One of the best Pokémon games out there. I think these remakes really demonstrate how solid the core game design of the originals was, even though they're borderline unplayable by modern standards. It's weird to see debates about non-linearity in pokemon considering how cleanly they worked it into the very first games. The game is really open and the majority of the map can be accessed with just a few badges. This allows for a lot of replay value and flexibility in team building, while still having a competent level curve to provide some good challenge. A surprisingly polished game that still stands as one of the best in the series.

God I played the shit out of this game and loved every minute of it. Being entirely honest, have there been other games that have built upon this game's style and done it better? Absolutely. But I will never forget the time I spent with this game, and how truly memorable some of its ideas were. This game laid the foundation for how to do a REAL spider-man game, not just some side scrolling platformer or a level based beat-em-up, but a game that really...sigh...makes you feel like spider man. Personally I still find it a lot of fun to return to, but that may just be nostalgia talking. Either way, I think my time with it as a kid/teenager more than justifies its score.

now that I've shot all those guys... I truly understand what it means to not shoot a guy... and it's thanks to the Yakuza 4 of you

Drakengard 3 improves on Drakengard in every way that matters, which makes it less fun somehow

I couldn't have imagined a Fire Emblem game with more freeform team building than the ones with infinite reclassing, but here we are. Maybe the meta just isn't solved yet, but it blows my mind that there are finally real trade-offs instead of "just use wyvern riders" or "throw your best guy into the mix and skip turn". I was itching to replay the game before I even made it to the final map.

Story-wise, it's not campy enough, actually. I need the other nobles to pop up even more often and laser the villains with the power of friendship. I need multiple extended transformation sequences with poofy skirts for everyone. I need special attack animations that put Trails S-Crafts to shame. The 60th anniversary game had better double down.

like Frog Fractions if the dragon talked