+ you get to play with so many decks for free when you start the game! it really is quite generous how much they let you play with immediately. and the decks are very fun!
+ for a "forever game", it's not very predatory, and the rewards are good and occur often. it's very easy to get the event pass by playing matches and getting enough crystals to spend on it shortly into the game, and you get to have the rewards you've passed already on the event timeline.
+ getting to open the booster packs you get rewarded with is very fun, unwrapping each one individually was something I looked forward to, and you get to see the beautiful art up close

- I found that the best decks I was using in matches, were the ones I edited - to include more energy cards, and cards that were more cohesive to the decks. they don't really encourage you to edit decks at all apart from introducing it at the start, and there aren't any event challenges to suggest this either. you either do it intuitively or you don't. I think deck crafting and editing is a big part of getting good at Pokemon TCG, so I think they could show or encourage the player to do that.
- there isn't really much else to do in the game apart from these battles, and there isn't much of a challenge. after a month of playing, I just ran out of things to find interesting so I ended up dropping it
- I had to play this on my partner's pro-gaming laptop. oddly, it wasn't running well on my standard laptop, but, I don't see what the game is doing to require high specs
- there isn't very much going on in the game to keep you playing for long, but it's good enough for a short while

5/10. overall, it's a good game, but it's just not doing very much, and there's some missed opportunities. pika pika!

this game is amazing! soundtrack is so good, new enemies majorly appreciated. the bonus worlds, the remixed levels, Rosalina, the challenging final final levels! so so so so good!

I really appreciated being able to change to a set perspective in most levels as that helped with my gameplay. I wish you could change perspective in multiplayer too :( but that's not big enough of a reason for it to not get a 9/10 as there really aren't many flaws in this game!

an incredible platformer! I'm looking forward to playing Super Mario Wonder 💗

I loved playing PvZ! I remember playing it a few times when I was very young and very stupid, and not really being able to play or appreciate the game. As an adult, I can see that it's a brilliant game with so many features, and it's so unfortunate that a good game formula like this was fucked up so many times due to EA. I love the weird humour in the plant descriptions, the challenges are fun, there's so many twists in each world, and you can replay them all again in a harder mode which is brilliant! I loved this game, and you can play it all so quickly. I didn't even get round to too much of the bonus stuff, but I appreciated it being there. Of course, PvZ isn't exactly known for its art style, and some of the night levels were cumbersome - But overall, very good game! And you can play it on your phone for free!

DST on the Switch is such a weird experience. It has the longest loading times of any modern game I've played, it has to load for so much even when you're not playing online. When you open the game and try to press Offline, the Nintendo Switch Online pops up immediately which is quite annoying.

Playing multiplayer, which is kind of this game's main gimmick, isn't fun. You can't pause time when crafting, or looking at the map, when playing with someone else. But you can, when you're playing Don't Start Together alone. Ironic.

Pushing past these features, and deciding to play this alone instead of with my partner as I envisioned, DST has a lot of good qualities. It takes a lot of good parts of Minecraft with its crafting and breaking parts down as resources, the art style is so unique and beautiful, the music is lovely, the creatures are punishing and varied, the world and character selection make you feel like this world isn't going to be an easy one to get through, which I like.

However, when Winter rolls around, the game gets even more challenging on top of it being an already challenging game. Marble, a resource needed for the excellent Marble Suit, is a very finite resource which I disliked. The pets you can have tag along with you after inspecting and giving food to an Animal Den, are essentially useless which is a wasted opportunity (they should have at least some minor ability!). Hounds are so unbelievably hard to tackle and appear so often in the game, as well as Pengulls.

Overall, I had a nice time with DST, but its poor multiplayer functionality, ridiculous loading times, and other negative gameplay features make it a game I don't want to invest a lot of time into. And, with it being ported onto the Switch 2 years ago, and still having these issues, I don't see it getting better.

Diablo Reaper of Souls? More like reaping my soul of any fun and enjoyment!

This game was dreadfully disappointing and insanely boring. I cannot wrap my mind around why people find the loot chasing elements of this game compelling enough to play.

The gameplay is absolutely mindless and insanely easy. I played with my partner on Inferno mode, the 5th difficulty. Enemies health bars are higher, but your attacks are so powerful, and the combat is so simplistic, that it simply just does not matter. It doesn't matter how long it takes for you to kill an enemy, you will, easily, and risk nothing for it.

Loot chasing? You get money, which you do nothing with. And you pick up equipment, which makes the game easier.

Plot? What plot? My favourite part of this game was when a villager asks for us to kill his wife, which we then immediately do after he escorts us to her weird underground room, and watches. What the fuck?

I was hoping for an interesting game, presenting some amount of challenge, and exciting combat, to play with my partner in co-operative mode. I've been left with a disappointing pile of dog shit of a game that is so mindless a child could play it.

Wow! I completed this game super quickly! It was definitely easier than Dadish 1, but there were so many fun improvements in the mix too.

Climbing with your leaves was a great mechanic, the addition of boulders, anti gravity in the last world, tons of new enemy types which was really exciting. The music improved, the bosses improved significantly, and I really liked the inclusion of the possum ball in the World 4 boss fight, and we got an addition world compared to Dadish 1! Also, this game is completely free! However, it flies by due to how easy this game is.

I was initially excited when I saw Burgurgular teaming up, being a previous boss in Dadish 1, but I found the lack of double jump quite unexciting, and he didn't have any special abilities at all which I didn't expect... It was an interesting challenge I suppose, but it felt like a wasted opportunity. I felt like the dialogue with your radish children was good, but it wasn't as sharp and hilarious as Dadish 1. The easiness of this game compared to Dadish 1 World 4 also takes away some points. Fowlst Mode is a really interesting addition, but there are points in many levels where you get stuck in the top right corner of the screen, and there's any incentive to do it, as the game isn't tracking whether you've completed a level in Fowlst Mode or not.

Overall, a really good game due to its additions and improvements, but there's also a lot of missed opportunities.

I loved this game! The platforming in the final world is genuinely hard and builds up well, the dialogue is very funny and so charming. The music and art in this game is really nice, and I love the way Dadish and his children fly off at the end of every level. Also, the possum was genuinely hilarious and a great addition.

The enemy types were interesting but I was waiting for another one to be introduced, and the final boss was mega ugly. The bosses in general are the worst part about this game: either incredibly easy or annoyingly finicky, and they're all essentially the same. I liked this game a lot though, and it's completely free! I'm definitely playing Dadish 2! 😊

+ this game can be quite fun
+ digging the bones up is quite simple and it's nice and not stressful to do, but requires some attention
+ the graphics are really nice, the pixel art is very cute
+ some of the animations make you smile :)

- however waiting for money to pile up is a bore, and not fun (you can leave the game open and wait for lots of money to generate, but at that point, you're not really playing the game)
- upgrading tools doesn't feel satisfying as the upgrades aren't that much of an improvement
- should have more info on the dinosaurs you dig up! lost opportunity there

Bowser's Fury suffers from a bit too much Bowser.

In my play, I felt like Bowser was constantly popping up and interrupting the flow of the game, and was incredibly distracting from the amazing aspects that I wanted to focus on. Sometimes it seemed like it wouldn't take a minute or two till he popped up again, and it really harmed my experience of playing the game, and often made me feel frustrated upon his appearance. Also, when Bowser would pop up, the game would also noticeably drop in frames, and with his frequency, it just added to the overall negative experience of his feature in this game.

That is fundamentally why my experience with this game isn't as good as it could be, and why I don't rate it highly. Bowser overshadows what I feel like is an incredible game underneath it, great music that is very characteristic with Mario games, fun puzzles that can often give a little challenge, and so much space to run around in and do whatever you like. Overall, it was a stunning game with lots of fun to be had, right up until Bowser rears his ugly head.

Metroid Dread is an incredibly beautiful game, with amazing enemy designs and bosses. This was my first Metroid game ever, and I have to say it is also the most stunning game I have played too.

I had so much fun learning how to defeat difficult enemies, and it always felt like an earned accomplishment due to how tough yet rewarding they were. The mechanics in this game aren't like games I've played before, but they were easy enough to learn, and became very natural. The graphics in this game are insane, I just can't praise it enough how fluid everything feels. The sound design was amazing too.

Things that held it back were how long it sometimes took to get to one part of the same map to another part, the interconnectedness of the entire map, and that the controls needed for item completion in the post game aren't explained at all. Though, these things don't get in the way of an amazing gameplay too much, and the main game is practically flawless.